Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns….. Burglars shoot pet dog, assault owners (UK) Pet dog was a Pit bull, which despite myth, is no match for a gun…Homeowners where assaulted…
(SC) Permit holder shoots armed robber 07-19-02> Robber tried stickup at Dairi-O with unloaded gun By MATT SCHAFER Item Staff Writer July 19, 2002 BISHOPVILLE ? Police are expected to file charges against the teenager who they believe planned to rob a local ice cream parlor with a stolen unloaded .357 Magnum, but was shot by the store operator. Police interviewed [...]
(MT) 300-pound bear invades home and is shot 07-19-02
Judge’s husband shoots, kills bear in couple’s home http://www.missou> By JOHN STROMNES of the Missoulian July 19, 2002 POLSON – District Judge Kim Christopher’s home was broken into last weekend. Her husband, Terry Janeway, shot the intruder seven times with a .45-caliber handgun at close range. Christopher was also armed with her own 9mm [...]
(FL) Dumb criminal captured by armed homeowner 07-19-02
************************** Gainesville Sun Friday, July 19, 2002 Police: Car thief stuck in neutral By G.M. BROWN Sun staff writer A Gainesville man was discovered by police after he allegedly broke into a car and couldn’t get out. David Christopher Lander, 51, of 10013 NW 13th Ave. was arrested early Thursday morning after he was locked [...]
Sky Marshals Disarmed of Nail Clippers
Sky Marshals Disarmed of Nail Clippers ——————————————————————————– Sky Marshals Disarmed of Nail Clippers The pilot who was the source of Chris Ruddy’s “Pilot’s Tale of March 29″ was asked by Ruddy if he has noted any significant increase in sky marshals, who are eventually to be on every U.S. flight. The pilot said he knows [...]
Howard Dean on Gun Laws
Howard Dean on Gun Laws ——————————————————————————– From The Rutland Herald on Thursday, July 18th: Even more surprising to his Iowa audiences, Dean bragged that he has “an A rating’’ from the National Rifle Association, as governor of a state where homicides are so rare “we have passed no gun laws.’’ That statement provoked rebukes from [...]
Vermont Women in the Outdoors Event
Vermont Women in the Outdoors Event ——————————————————————————– North Country Longspurs 4th National Wild Turkey Federation Women in the Outdoors Event Saturday, August 24 at Bunnell Camp, Passumpsic, VT Activities include Wilderness Survival, Canoeing, Shot Guns, Riflemarksmanship, Fly Fishing, Hunter Education Certification Home Study , and Archery. For more information contact Carolyn Bigelow a 802-74-4295 or [...]
Welcome to Address: Jeweler who foiled robbery says he’s no hero 2002-07-17 By Ed Godfrey The Oklahoman MARIETTA — Ronnie Norton said he never intended to kill the man who attempted to rob his jewelry store last week: All he was trying to do was keep from being killed. When the gunman pointed a [...]\Politics\archive\200207\POL20020719a.html