Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Safe Storage Gun Laws: Accidental Deaths, Suicides, and Crime Message-ID: <a05100301b949de533219@[]> Safe Storage Gun Laws: Accidental Deaths, Suicides, and Crime Yale Law School, Law & Economics Working Paper No. 237 It is frequently assumed that safe storage gun laws reduce accidental gun deaths and total suicides, while the possible impact on crime rates are ignored. [...]

Suicide and guns

July 4, 2002

suicide & guns ——————————————————————————– See Gary Kleck’s “Point Blank: Guns and violence in America.” Chapter 6, Guns and Suicide. Page 223 – 268. Here’s Dr. Ed Suter’s comment: “As Kleck’s review of the broad expanse of American and cross-cultural suicide literature shows, even if guns instantly evaporated from the U.S., universal access to nearly equally [...]

(NM) Fatal shooting ruled self-defense 07-03-02 ——————————————————————————– Santa Fe New Mexican Address wsid=4632775&BRD=2144&PAG=461&dept_id=367954&rfi=6 Santa Fe New Mexicanhome : news : content Jury says fatal shooting was justified By GEOFF GRAMMER/The New Mexican 07/03/2002 A grand jury determined last week that a Santa Fe woman was justified when she shot and killed a suspected prowler outside [...]

I pledge alligiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands , one nation UNDER GOD, indivisible , with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL! God Bless America! Stay SAFE , Stay FREE Stay ARMED! God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood If tomorrow all the things [...]

Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002 16:57:28 -0400 From: Helen Faria <hfaria@> ] Reply-To: Helen Faria <hfaria@> To: Recipients <hfaria> Subject: ICC and UN threats to our freedom on today! ——————————————————- ICC and UN threats to our freedom on today! Reprinted from The International Criminal Court ? a Threat to our Legacy of [...]

Humor from the Internet A poster at my doctor’s office said I should contact your organization with questions about firearms injury prevention. So, I went to your PSR [Physicians for Social Responsibility] website and found your contact info. Here are my questions: 1) Is it safe to shoot .44 Special rounds in a revolver chambered [...]

what gun show loophole…….. 318482s

news From Canada

July 2, 2002

NEWS RELEASE Canadian Member of Parliament Garry Breitkruz JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DOCUMENT SHOWS 70% OF THE OWNERS OF REGISTERED HANDGUNS DON’T HAVE A VALID FIREARMS LICENSE “Either it shows the most massive open defiance of the Criminal Code in Canadian history, or it’s absolute proof that the Liberal’s gun registration scheme can never work.” June 18, [...]


July 2, 2002

B. History Have journalists rushed to judgment about Michael Bellesiles? Ralph Luker History News Network National Endowment for the Humanities. Letter revoking NEH’s affiliation with Bellesiles. Scholarly shootout over guns Ed Williams June 13, 2002 Charlotte Observer The Cowards of Academe Michael Bellesiles’s rear-guard defenders. David Skinner The Weekly Standard June 10, [...]

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