Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Exposed left-wing lying at its best! Writing Ideology As History In ?Arming America? By Adam Cirucci June 28, 2002 ——————————————————————————– When Michael Bellesiles? ?Arming America? appeared in late 2000, it met rave reviews from liberals, who touted it as ?the NRA?s worse nightmare.? Critics at The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Chicago [...]

Illinois murders outpace nation’s … Suburban Cook County was up 15 percent, Chicago was up 5.5 percent, the state was up 9.8 percent, and rural counties were up 8.8 percent. … [Could it be because Mayor Daley forbids Chicago residents to defend themselves?]

Project Safe Neighborhoods – Project Exile In Poor Disguise Project Safe Neighborhoods is a new version of Project Exile that has been implemented in the last several years in various state and local governments. A watered down version of this is known in Tucson as Project Excaliber. These programs have the same general philosophy in [...]

They Don’t Want Us….

June 30, 2002

…..To Defend ourselves. I mean afterall, we’d be excersizing our constitutional rights! God forbid we should ever do that. …sheesh

Self defense is against the Law in Ohio….. even for LEO’s ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? =====================>; Man Breaks Into Cop’s House, Shot Dead A 5-year veteran of the Cleveland police force is on administrative leave, after apparently shooting and fatally wounding a burglar who tried to break into his apartment on West 100th St., early Friday morning. [...]

“[Those] who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it’s not an individual right [are] courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don’t like.” – Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law School

I just read something from the mmm site, claiming that according to the FBI’s uniform crime report that, there were only 154 justifiable homicides, in 1999, commited by private citzens with a firearm. Seems to me that already this year, we’ve seen stories on here alone that come close to that number. We should start [...]

Debunking the Violence Policy Center ——————————————————————————– This alert comes from the TSRA. I hope someone finds it useful; it’s long, but probably necessary for folks in Ohio or elsewhere. ***GRJ*** ============================================================================ ============================ >MEDIA RELEASE > >TEXAS STATE RIFLE ASSOCIATION > >Violence Policy Center’s License To Kill IV: In their own words, “Just more rhetoric.” > [...]

Rapid City Journal: News Column ‘Scrappy’ woman corners escapees By Jim Holland, Journal Staff Writer WOOD — Two escapees from a Chamberlain school for troubled teenagers managed to evade capture during a 12-hour vehicle theft binge in eastern and southcentral South Dakota Wednesday night. But then they encountered a determined woman wielding a shotgun. [...]

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