Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
SAF Calls For Firing Of Boston Globe Columnist In Straw Purchase Date: Jul 18, 2007 12:55 PM ——————————————————————————– NEWS RELEASE SAF CALLS FOR FIRING OF BOSTON GLOBE COLUMNIST IN STRAW PURCHASE BELLEVUE, WA ? The Second Amendment Foundation today sent a letter to Martin Baron, editor of the Boston Globe, asking that Globe columnist Steve [...]
guns on campus
College student starts a movement to allow guns on college campuses Gun rights activists: Firearms ban would make MSU more dangerous…
Guns Don`t Kill People, Phila. Does
Guns Don`t Kill People, Phila. Does – Philadelphia Inquirer When Mayor Street spent 15 hours waiting in line for an iPhone recently, the city was not impressed by his love of new technology, writes John and Maxim Lott. Rather, Street had to answer to a passerby asking, How can you sit here with 200 murders [...]
In Gun Fight, Bloomberg Raises Profile but Fails To Win Votes – New York Sun In his fight to repeal a federal gun law, Mayor Bloomberg has flown across the country, spent millions in televised campaign-style ads, raised his national profile, and sparked interest in a possible presidential run. But in Congress, he`s hardly changed [...]
BRADY PRESIDENT TO GET PROOF OF IGNORANCE . . . Alan Gottleib, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, says he will supply Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke with documentation that addresses Helmke?s statement on MSNBC that he has been unable to identify anybody who has ever been sued and suffered financially for shooting in self-defense. [...]
INDICATOR OF STRONG GUN SALES . . . Data released by the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) reveal a very active year so far for background checks leading to the sale of firearms. From January through June, NICS reported 5,221,633 background checks, a 19 percent increase from 4,384,156 in the same period [...]
OSHA TO WITHDRAW FLAWED AMMO RULE . . . In a letter to Department of Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, 26 members of Congress expressed concerns with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration?s (OSHA) proposed explosives rule. This bi-partisan opposition, along with NRA grassroots initiatives and the work of NSSF and SAMMI, made OSHA understand the [...]
WCAX: NRA Women on Target in Williston, VT
WCAX: NRA Women on Target in Williston, VT Date: Jul 15, 2007 4:53 PM Click below to read WCAX news story Click here: Women on Target in Williston This NRA Women On Target (WOT) event was conducted by the North Country Sportsmen of Williston, VT. The WOT was funded by a NRA grant, the monies [...]
SAF Founder To Brady President: ?You Were Wrong, Here?s Proof? Date: Jul 11, 2007 3:32 PM ——————————————————————————– NEWS RELEASE SAF FOUNDER TO BRADY PRESIDENT: ?YOU WERE WRONG, HERE?S PROOF? The founder of the Second Amendment Foundation today said he will supply Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke with documentation on the ?text book case? from Missouri [...]
Typical Hypocracy of the Left
HOUSTON ? A state lawmaker who opposed a bill giving Texans stronger right to defend themselves with deadly force pulled a gun and shot a man he says was trying to steal copper wiring from a construction site, police said Monday.,2933,288737,00.html The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !