Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
THE GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE? ——————————————————————————– This article hits on what so many have said: there is NO gun show loophole! ====================================================== The Blue Press June 2002 Page 10 THE GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE? (It’s us!) By Peter Caroline There’s been a lot of discussion about the so-called “gun show loophole.” The anti-gunners would have us believe [...]
Stance On Gun Rights Welcomed
Oklahoman Editorial: Stance on Gun Rights is Welcomed 2002-05-12 WE commend Attorney General John Ashcroft and the Justice Department for officially altering the government’s view of the Second Amendment, recognizing an individual’s right to possess a firearm. The largely symbolic legal brief, filed last week with the U.S. Supreme Court in connection with two cases [...]
Doofus Award…..
Zero common sense Wednesday, May 15, 2002 – Dry Creek Elementary school has disciplined seven boys for playing a game of “army and aliens” in which they used their fingers as imaginary weapons and pretended to shoot creatures in the background. At least the boys weren’t suspended, as has happened in other districts for imaginary [...]
America, It’s Our Right To Bear Arms
help please
I’m doing a research paper for my honors class on the different views of gun control and their effects on society, and if anyone has some internet sites relating to this that I can view I would really appreciate it. Thank you! If you need to email me my address is [email protected]
Ashcroft Right On Gun Ownership
All I can say, Is right on Mr Ashcroft! ~Amanda BILL COULTER Ashcroft right on gun ownership Attorney General John Ashcroft caused gun-control advocates and assorted liberals to go ballistic by his radical assertion that, yes, the Second Amendment does indeed guarantee individuals the right to keep and bear arms. That’s exactly what most law-abiding, [...]
Victories In Arizona
Updates and Alerts ——————————————————————————– Victories In Arizona It has been a good month for gun owners in Arizona. On Monday, May 13, Arizona’s Range Protection bill (SB 1008) was passed by the Senate on a 19-4 vote. SB 1008 now awaits Governor Hull’s signature Also, HB 2329, the “Crime Gun Interdiction” bill, was recently defeated [...]
Women don’t need guns, criminals would take it away, yeah right. Criminals would tale the gun away. Take the case of 49-year-old divorcee Sammie Foust of Cape Coral, Fla. “I used to love to open the windows and doors and feel the gulf breezes flowing through my house, ” Ms. Faust says, “I got pleasure [...]