Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category Changed:5:01 PM on Friday, April 19, 2002 April 19, 2002 Glendale man ‘was just protecting my family’ By CHRIS POLLOCK GLENDALE — Everyone knows you don’t mess with Texas. But as one man learned Sunday morning, you don’t mess with Gerald Heggstrom of Glendale, either. Heggstrom, 52, captured an intruder in his garage early [...]

OR: Women Prepare for Armed Self Defense Training Sierra Times Report Published 04. 24. 02 at 15:56 Sierra Time

Summary The original intent and purpose of the Second Amendment was to preserve and guarantee, not grant the pre-existing right of individuals, to keep and bear arms. Although the amendment emphasizes the need for a militia, membership in any militia let alone a well regulated one, is not required to exercise the right to keep [...]

Legalize SHOTGUN!

April 24, 2002

From a friend in Italia…. Thot you all might like to see this bit of good news from Italy. ======== Only the little bit you’ve taught me, Carlo Amen Carlo, Great news, Amico! Grazi! nancy The Second Amendment IS Our Homeland Security ! —– Original Message —– From: “Carlo Stagnaro” To: Nancy> Sent: Tuesday, April [...]

a new thing

April 22, 2002

I am a fourteen year old student in a rural town, i enjoy hunting and for a contreversial topic reprt i chose gun control… i came across this site by accident but i found it very helpful… thank you and have a great day… dana

Hello! My husband informed me the other day that my favorite ice cream is no longer allowed in our house. It is made by Ben & Jerry’s. Apparently they donate alot of money to anti gun efforts. I dont know the details only that one, and that was enough for me. I’ll try to dig [...]

Great Site!

April 21, 2002

I am a freshman in college and just wanted to let you know that I believe this is a great site! Thanks for putting this information out there. Let’s all keep fighting for what is right. Thanks again!

Someone emailed me the following link today. It takes you to an anti-gun article, and the bulletin board below the article contains the author’s failed attempt to defend his claims. It’s a rather laughable exchange. The author pulls out a bunch of bogus gun control factoids, and they get shot down in succession. The author [...]

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