Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

GoMemphis: Local Address:,1426,MCA_437_1063289,00.html Man shoots, kills would-be robber in TV-style invasion By Yolanda Jones [email protected] April 2, 2002 Asize Lee Coady and her boyfriend, Odie Harper, were watching Law and Order Sunday night when a sudden knock on the door was like a scene from the cop drama. Shortly after 9 p.m., two men posing [...] Posted on Tue, Apr. 02, 2002 Homeowner helped break robbery ring, Richland sheriff says By LORA HINES Staff Writer Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott is crediting a Dentsville man with helping his agency stop a home invasion ring that targeted elderly neighbors. Homeowner Bobby Drum, 68, shot a man who tried to break into [...]

Address: Clerk Foils Attempted Carjacking Two Men Taken Into Custody Posted: 5:14 p.m. CST March 29, 2002 OKLAHOMA CITY — A fast-acting convenience store clerk helped foil a carjacking in Edmond Friday. Police said that two men jumped into a car near 2700 North Kelley and pulled a knife on the woman at the wheel. [...]

>Sarah Brady, Chair of the gun-ban lobby formerly known as HCI, apparently >broke no law when, as revealed in her recently released book, she bought a >hunting rifle at a Delaware gun shop for her son, who was then 18. The >Daily >News (N. Y.), which ran a March 22 story saying Brady may have [...]

…and she hasn’t shown me a thing. Simply saying that she was upset over Columbine may explain her comments the day after, but it doesn’t explain ambushing people on her show and the hosting of the Million Moron March…these are not rational actions taken by an individual with the publics best interests at heart. She [...]

Address:[rkey=0004890+ssiuname=WebOSTTN+ssipwd=TTNB3A18B59 Threat of gun ends robbery attempt By Sajit Abraham The Selma Times-Journal Published Thursday, March 28, 2002 An attempted robbery at a Selma restaurant has left both the intended victims and the alleged perpetrators shaken but unhurt. According to Bernice Gill, owner of Our House Restaurant on Dallas Avenue, two black males entered the [...]

Study: Gun Licensing Reforms Had Little Effect on Crime Rates By Jim Burns Senior Staff Writer March 28, 2002 ( – Higher licensing fees, mandatory background checks and a crackdown on part-time gun dealers, all changes that went into effect in the mid-1990s, had little to do with America’s drop in violent crime in [...]

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit…RTICLE_ID=26992> Thursday, March 28, 2002 ——————————————————- WEAPONS OF CHOICE Gun Owners of America embraces Brady’s son Gets honorary membership after Sarah admits ‘straw’ rifle purchase ——————————————————————————– Posted: March 28, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern ——————————————————————————– ? 2002 The [...]

Girls and Guns

March 27, 2002,2933,48913,00.html Girls & Guns I asked Sarah Hunt of the University of New Mexico to describe an event at her school called “Buy Your Girl a Gun Day,” and what she outlined is interesting and hilarious: “UNM is the rape capital of the Southwest, and a girl technically can’t even carry a pocket knife on [...]

I wish I’d seen this FOX news program, but a partial transcipt is online here-,2933,48821,00.html It seems that our favorite big mouth is attempting to remove her foot-at least partially-from that orifice. She goes a long way towards backing off of her previous statements, but she still fails to explain her attacks on the NRA, [...]

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