Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The collateral benefits of guns by Robert A. Waters
Gun rights advocates believe that defensive uses of firearms save thousands of Americans from becoming crime victims each year. Here is a case where a serial rapist was captured by armed citizens. Unfortunately, he was turned loose by the criminal justice system and we can count the number of pre-teen victims he later assaulted. In [...]
The Autobiography of Sarah Brady
The Autobiography of Sarah Brady Dr. Michael S. Brown March 22, 2002 [Editor's Note: Sarah Brady is scheduled to be interviewed tonight (Friday, March 22) on "20/20."] The name Sarah Brady has become synonymous with gun control. As chairwoman of Handgun Control Inc., she has been an active combatant in America’s cultural war over the [...]
Words Of Wisdom From A Georgia State Univ. Student! Right to bear arms should be defended by Sabrina Kahn March 19, 2002 In the spirit of Sarah Brady, Hillary Clinton, Sharon Stone, Alec Baldwin (if he is still in the country), and Rosie O?Donnell, let?s state the liberal mantra and get it out of the way! The Second Amendment only refers to state?s [...]
Federally Funded Gun Control PROPAGANDA! Federally Funded Gun Control Propaganda March 20, 2002 The federal government says it lacks funding for much-needed research about the alarming increase in autism, asthma, diabetes and other serious childhood conditions. Now we know where scarce research money goes: to fund gun-control propaganda. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funded a study [...]
When Guns Are Outlawed When Guns Are Banned | March 20, 2002 JOLLY OLD ENGLAND IS NOW EXPERIENCING THE TRUTH in the saying, “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” Law abiding citizens were forced to give up all their handguns after the British government passed one of the most stringent gun bans in the [...]
What Competitive Shooters Learn
What Competitive Shooters Learn by Mich?le K. Makucevich Guns. An emotionally charged word with connotations that vary from Norman Rockwell-like images of a man and his hunting hound to gang clad teenagers and drive-by shootings. As political candidates and the media focus on firearms issues and school shootings capture the national headlines, gun-control is often [...]
MI) Gun permits surge, but not violence
MI) Gun permits surge, but not violence Gun permits surge, but not violence Oakland County issues more than any county; licenses up 39 percent statewide By John Bebow and George Hunter / The Detroit News WATERFORD — The only place Cliff Dabrowski has pulled his new 9mm Glock is the shooting range, but he keeps [...]
THANK YOU for helping me!!
Hello to everyone… I would just like to say THANK YOU to all of you who responded to my (pro-gun) research study on misrepresentation of firearm owners in the media…I just want to say that the response I recieved from all of you was overwhelming and very positive…each one of your responses helps accurately represent [...]
From Gun Free UK: Muggers Rule our streets…..,,2002121518,00.html>
How To Stop Antigun Drs
The following article was written by Timothy Wheeler, MD, Director Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership, a Project of The Claremont Institute, PO Box 1931, Upland, CA 91785-1931 Dr. Wheeler gives permission to reproduce this and distribute it to our members and elsewhere. Please read this carefully and pass it on to your family and friends. [...]