Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
This is a followup to yesterday’s attempted robbery of a Blockbuster video store in Orange City. The original article can be found here: 0.story?coll=orl%2Dnews%2Dheadlines (if this URL doesn’t work for you because it’s too long, just copy and paste it a piece at a time into the “location” field of your web-browser). This “Arthur [...]
Criminalizing The Second Amendment
Home Page Two News Portal Forum Stocks Weather Links ——————————————————————————– CRIMINALIZING THE SECOND AMENDMENT “ZERO TOLERANCE” POLICIES ON GUNS By: Doug Patton “Laws that forbid the carrying of arms.disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.” —- Thomas Jefferson Americans have always recognized the necessity for firearms. For that reason, it [...]
School Text Says Hunting & Fishing Makes Species Extinct…
School Text Says Hunting & Fishing Makes Species Extinct… Appended below for your information is some news as relayed from our friends at the National Wild Turkey Federation. It is self explanatory and, while pretty disappointing, not terribly surprising. With best regards, Paul F. Karczmarczyk, Regional Biologist Ruffed Grouse Society P.O. Box 2504 West Brattleboro, [...]
Armed & famous
FYI (copy below): ======================================================= March 14, 2002 Armed & famous By James L. Pate SPECIAL TO THE WASHINGTON TIMES Clint Eastwood, a k a Dirty Harry, ruled the streets of San Francisco with his Smith & Wesson .44-magnum, tracking down bad guys he dared to try to get away. In outer space, a young [...]
Book Reviews: A Nation of Cowards and The Origin of the Second Amendment by Dave Kopel This is an expanded version of a review that ran in the March 2002 issue of Ideas on Liberty, on pages 55-55. Jeff Snyder, A Nation of Cowards: Essays on the Ethics of Gun Control (Accurate Pr., St. [...]
HERE’S ONE FOR THE “ONLY COPS SHOULD HAVEGUNS” CROWD!!!!! ======== (FL) Policeman killed after threatening estranged wife 03-18-02 Posted on Mon, Mar. 18, 2002 Policeman killed after threat to estranged wife The Palm Beach Post WEST PALM BEACH – An off-duty Riviera Beach police officer, unhinged by marital troubles, was shot and killed early [...]
Children and Water/drowning
in ref: to Irvine Ca wanting to ban guns If it only saves one life, right? ——- By: of_free_will 16 Mar 2002, 08:30 PM EST Msg. 20393 of 20399 I’ve decided the City of Irvine should go 2 steps further. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that banning the sale of guns within 1000ft [...]
Reprinted from Statistical Malpractice ? ‘Firearm Availability’ and Violence Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D. Tuesday, March 12, 2002 Part I: Politics or Science? “There is a worrying trend in academic medicine which equates statistics with science, and sophistication in quantitative procedure with research excellence. The corollary of this trend is a tendency to look [...]
Historian’s failings have impact today
FYI (copy below): ======================================================= Historian’s failings have impact today Thursday, March 14, 2002 By THOMAS SHAPLEY SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER COLUMNIST Stephen Ambrose and Doris Kearns Goodwin aren’t the only nationally known historians whose scholarship is in question. The spotlight of peer and public scrutiny has also fallen on Michael Bellesiles (pronounced “Buh-leel”), the Emory University [...]
I need help with a pro-gun research study!!!
I am a female graduate student in English at a major Arizona University and I need your help with a study I am conducting on innacurate media representations of gun owners. I am hoping to reveal the more human side of gun advocates in the USA and through this, break down many stereotypes people have [...]