Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Don’t Mess With Texas :D Address: Feb. 20, 2002, 11:14AM Business owner kills suspected burglar By S.K. BARDWELL and MIKE GLENN Copyright 2002 Houston Chronicle A west Houston businessman this morning shot and killed a suspected burglar. Police said the owner of Vogler Roofing first discovered his business in the 700 block of North Shepherd had been broken into [...]
The Historian Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight
Note how much of the questionable research occurred in Vermont. The Historian Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight From the February 25, 2002 issue: The truth about Michael Bellesiles’s “Arming America.” by David Skinner 02/15/2002 6:00:00 PM MICHAEL BELLESILES is a professor of history at Emory University. When his “Arming America: The Origins of a National [...]
Moms For Gun Safety
Moms for Gun Safety by Larry Pratt Doesn’t Moms for Gun Safety sound like a gun control group? After all, gun safety is the new disguise for gun control. Well, Moms for Gun Safety is actually in favor of what its name suggests. It is a loose knit group of women shooters who are pushing [...]
(NC) Grand jury rules shooting self-defense 02-19-02
Address: Changed:12:59 AM on Tuesday, February 19, 2002 Grand jury rules fatal shooting was self-defense DURHAM — James Hill Jr. acted in self-defense when he shot and killed a man who was trying to break into his Fayetteville Street home Christmas Eve, a Durham County grand jury ruled Monday. Hill, who had been facing a [...]
Long live the shotgun squads by Robert A. Waters
Long live the shotgun squads by Robert A. Waters Before political correctness swept over the land like a red tide, many citizens found ways of defeating criminal violence that were, shall we say, ingenious. Today, nearly all Democrats, many Libertarians, and the squishy-soft Republican leadership would rise up in arms if the shotgun squads returned. [...]
(MI) Weapons law draws women to get arms
(MI) Weapons law draws women to get arms Weapons law draws women to get arms Oakland County is top in state permits February 21, 2002 BY KATHLEEN GRAY AND JOHN MASSON FREE PRESS STAFF WRITERS Bullet holes blossom in a square target hanging a few feet from the firing line. A featherweight black Smith & [...]
100% Correct
You are correct 100%. The AG should not be given the power that he now has. When all is said and done these powers will be turned against the citizens of our nation. It now looks like the people that we gun onwers surported will soon turn against us. Bush is whistling past the grave [...]
(LA) Robber encounters arme citizens in TWO robbery attempts02-14-02
[email protected] Subject: (LA) Robber encounters armed citizens in TWO robbery attempts 02-14-02 Address: Feb. 14, 2002 Would-be robber shot in Cut Off From staff reports A local man being charged with two counts of burglary was awaiting surgery at Charity Hospital in New Orleans after he was shot twice by a man whose car police [...]
TX) Homeowner kills KNIFE-weilding robber 02-16-02 Feb. 16, 2002, 1:11PM Fatal shooting will be referred to grand jury By MIKE GLENN Copyright 2002 Houston Chronicle A fatal shooting at a southwest Houston home early this morning has been referred to the Harris County grand jury without recommendation for charges, police said. The man who fired the gun said the victim [...]
(TN) Fugitive chased by police is shot by homeowner 02-16-02 – Breaking News Address: February 16, 2002 Man Fleeing Police Runs Into House, Is Shot By Homeowner posted February 16, 2002 An East Ridge Police officer chased a suspect early Saturday morning, who ran into a house and was shot by the homeowner. John Sentell of the East Ridge Police said the unidentified officer [...]