Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

“Ron’s Shootinglinks”

February 3, 2002

GUNfree school zones

February 2, 2002

……are safe for everyone especially the “children” they say…But this story disproves that load’a bull excrement!

There sure seemed to be more people buying AR-15s, AKs and SKSs. I go all the time and it was a definate change. I wonder why?

========= Police look for clues in motel room slaying Huntsville woman had been living at inn for several months 01/20/02 By STEVE DOYLE Times Staff Writer [email protected] Murline Pride’s family spent a rainy Saturday wondering what went wrong. Who, they wondered, would have wanted to hurt the mild-mannered woman they knew as a sister, an [...]

A self defense weapon on the part of the Clerk would have ended this guy’s “bad mood”. ============= Bad mood’ blamed for stabbing Man staying at motel is arrested in knifing of clerk; victim treated and released 01/24/02 By WENDY REEVES Times Staff Writer [email protected] Being in a “bad mood” landed a 22-year-old man in [...]

========= LONDON (February 1, 2002 4:55 p.m. EST) – A jealous husband who tape-recorded himself strangling his wife – quoting the catch-phrase from a popular TV game show as she died – was convicted and sentenced to life in prison Friday. Richard Cooper, 40, from Tonbridge in southeast England, shouted “You are the weakest link [...]

I understand that this Bill proposed by Congress will levy a surcharge of five cents or better on all e-mails. Is this fact or fiction?

Lessons in Reality: Susan Gonzalez, Anti-Gun Mom Turned Survivor By Lyn Bates, Contributing Editor Mike Gonzalez had guns around the house. His wife Susan hated them. When he tried to teach her the basics of shooting, she let him give her a couple of lessons, but closed her eyes in fear and disgust when she [...]

The Painful Reality of Self-defense by Razel Wolf I grew up an unusual child with a genius IQ and extremely sensitive. The injustice and violence that I read about in the newspaper paralyzed me. I decided at about age 8 that I would never read the newspaper again. I could not bear to hear of [...]

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