Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
the true nature of gun control -
The U.N. Hopes That Massacre Will Spark Treaty Edith M. Lederer Associated Press April 24, 2007 “The former U.N. human rights chief hopes that last week’s massacre at Virginia Tech will generate U.S. support for a global treaty to control the international small arms trade.”
Unarmed and Dangerous
Unarmed and Dangerous House Editorial Investor’s Business Daily April 19, 2007 “Five years ago, armed college students subdued a gunman embarking on a college killing spree. Last year, Virginia Tech applauded the fact that its students couldn’t do the same.”
Signs of Intelligence?
Signs of Intelligence? Fred Thompson National Review Online April 20, 2007 q=OTIwYzMyZmQ1YzQ1MDNmZTMyYzQ1Y2U3YTU4YzNmNGE= Actor, Lawyerand former United States senator from Tennessee wonders why the Virginia Tech victims were left helpless before the killer’s onslaught.
The Gun-Free-Zone Liability
The Gun-Free-Zone Liability Alan Korwin 2007 “If you create a gun-free zone, you’re liable for any harm it causes.” Mr. Korwin links to legislation that would enforce liability on those who are responsible for the defenselessness of crime victims.
The Human Right of Self-Defense
The Human Right of Self-Defense With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen BYU Journal of Public Law 22 Forthcoming, 2007 PDF files require Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar software. This is a 119 page law review article that responds to the claim of the United Nations Human Rights Council that there is no human [...]
ACKERMANN: how exactly it is that the gun was at fault here? Date: May 11, 2007 9:08 AM —–Original Message—– From: [email protected] Sent: May 10, 2007 10:21 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Cdn-Firearms Digest V10 #486 —————————— Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 22:20:24 -0300 From: “M.J. Ackermann, MD” <[email protected]> Subject: Letter to the Editor To the [...]
Letter: Gun culture good for society
Letter: Gun culture good for society Date: May 11, 2007 8:22 AM PUBLICATION: The Daily Gleaner (Fredericton) DATE: 2007.05.11 SECTION: Opinion/Letters PAGE: B7 Gun culture good for society Anti-gun extremists constantly bleat on about the evil gun culture in the United States. This is nothing more than sheer propaganda. What they are actually talking about [...]
Virginia Tells NYC to Stop Gun Stings
Virginia Tells NYC to Stop Gun Stings Attorney General Warns of Charges By Tim Craig Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, May 10, 2007; Page A01 RICHMOND, May 9 — Attorney General Robert F. McDonnell is warning New York to stop, by the summer, sending private agents into Virginia to look for illegal gun sales, saying [...]
Letter: Packing guns could help end outbreaks of violence Date: May 9, 2007 8:39 AM PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star DATE: 2007.05.09 EDITION: Final SECTION: Editorial/Opinion PAGE: A9 BYLINE: Jeff Gardiner SOURCE: Windsor Star WORD COUNT: 226 ———————————————————————— ——– Packing guns could help end outbreaks of violence ———————————————————————— ——– I am responding to Brent Milcz’s letter [...]
Publishing the names of Right-to-Carry permit holders? Date: May 9, 2007 3:21 PM WHY REVEAL WHO’S CONCEALED? What possible motive could some arrogant anti-gun newspapers have for publishing the names of Right-to-Carry permit holders? by Paul Gallant, with David B. Kopel and Joanne D. Eisen’s-Concealed.htm The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !