Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
NYPOST.COM News Columnists: Address: PISTOL-PACKIN’ POP GUNS DOWN LIBERAL MYTH By ROD DREHER [Gun-toting father Ernest Regent, 69, reaps the gratitude of his son, Robert, 19, after gunning down a vicious dog that was attacking the young man in Middle Village, Queens.] – Brigitte Stelzer July 26, 2001 — THREE cheers for Ernie Regent, who [...]
Demon?s in the Details: Dems try to put together a new gun strategy, but wind up in the same place ?
Demon?s in the Details Dems try to put together a new gun strategy, but wind up in the same place ? falsely demonizing gun owners. By Michael S. Brown & Dave Kopel. Dr. Brown is an optometrist and board member of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws. Mr. Kopel is research director at the Independence Institute. [...]
Man who shot intruder faces NO charges
GoUpstate News Address: Man who shot intruder faces no charges From staff reports A man who shot and killed a home invader Monday night will not likely face criminal charges, according to authorities. The Solicitor’s and Sheriff’s offices have “decided at this point not to charge him. It looks like self-defense,” Sheriff’s Lt. Ron Gahagan [...]
Woman kills former boyfriend
Man attacks woman with “pieces of concrete” … EWoman defends herself with a GUN! Firearms give women a fighting chance! ========== Address: Woman kills former boyfriend Man gains entry to home by breaking window, gets shot in confrontation; no charges are filed Web posted Thursday, July 26, 2001 By Greg Rickabaugh Staff Writer An Augusta [...]
Gun owners aren’t held liable for safekeeping
under fair use….. Gun owners aren’t held liable for safekeeping Appeals court ruling follows case involving man who stole his parents’ gun and shot an Allen County police officer. ASSOCIATED PRESS July 25, 2001 The Indiana Court of Appeals has ruled that gun owners do not have a duty to the public to reasonably care [...]
NSW Tingle on stolen guns
> MEDIA RELEASE July 25 2001 > FIREARMS ARE SAFER AT HOME! > Firearm owners claimed today that the theft of 14 handguns from a > Queensland shooting club had demonstrated “the ignorant folly” of the > campaign by anti-gun groups for firearms to be stored in gun clubs or > central repositories. > > [...]
Organized medicine’s campaign for gun control
—– Original Message —– From: Helen Faria To: Undisclosed recipients Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 6:57 PM Subject: Organized medicine’s campaign for gun control Dear Jack, Thank you for sending me a copy of the letter you wrote to Dr. Ray. You are right. I think this politically correct campaign from the AMA to score [...]
(TN) Woman kills intruder who tried to rape her 07-25-01
(TN) Woman kills intruder who tried to rape her 07-25-01 Woman Fatally Shoots Intruder Address: WKRN.COM Home > July 25, 2001 EAST NASHVILLE Woman Fatally Shoots Intruder A man is dead after police say he tried to sexually assault a woman in her own home. It happened on Russell Street in East Nashville. [Click 'Play [...]
It’s Done: U.S. Stops U.N. Gun Control
The United States today laid a deadly blow to the UN’s efforts to enact global gun control. News at the “burning UN flag” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation
Why We Own Guns……
([email protected]) Casey B. Lane [email protected] When the time comes to defend my family, my home, or my country, I plan to be prepared to do so. Is there anyone else who will take responsibility for my protection? I certainly wouldn’t want my safety in the hands of anyone but myself. If I will not [...]