Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

seems some “democrats” have a problem with that Only criminals tyrants and DemoRATS don’t like law abiding citizens using firearms to defend themselves. Gun Control creates safe working environments for rapist, murderers, theives, carjackers and tyrants…. by providing them with unarmed victims…..> .cgi?n1788_BC_LA–TeenKilled&&news&newsflash-louisiana Worker kills teen in apparent hold up attempt The Associated Press 7/21/01 11:04 AM SHREVEPORT, La. (AP) — A Shreveport teen-ager died from a gunshot wound after exchanging gunfire with a hardware store worker during a botched robbery attempt. The employee of The Tool House fired one shot with a .357-caliber revolver, hitting [...]

Recently someone told me to check Lowe’s Home Improvement website and check out their anti-gun messages there. I did, and sure enough, they were advising anyone who was stupid enough to believe them that if they didn’t remove all guns from the house, or at least keep the gun and ammo seperate, they would certainly [...]

Some pro-gun Republicans are trying to pass a bill to block our tax money from being used for anti-gun UN proposes. However some from their own party are trying to stop them. Act to get this bill back on track. News at the “elephant” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation or

The White House may move to grant residency to millions of illegal Mexicans, see how this will affect your right to arms. News at the “dog” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation:

From an AOL news item:

July 17, 2001

Why am I not surprised? In a fresh embarrassment to the FBI, officials said Tuesday that 184 laptop computers – at least one containing classified material – are missing from the agency, along with 449 weapons……..They said 184 weapons were stolen and 265 were lost. One was used in a homicide. The weapons mostly are [...]

‘Women to Arms!’ … New Email Forum! Women, you are invited to join ‘Women to Arms!’, the email forum. Just send a blank message to [email protected] Unite with US here at the Women to Arms forum. Arm yourselves with the information necessary to combat the attack upon our God given right to survival in a [...]

Great Interview RE: Right to Bear Arms You may remember Mrs. Suzanna Gratia Hupp as the state legislator in Texas who proposed letting school officials carry a concealed weapon if they held a CHL. She was also with her parents in the Luby’s Cafeteria several years ago when a gunman killed many of the customers, [...]

Dave, Check it out and consider writing an article for them…… —–Original Message—– From: Leroy Pyle [[email protected]] The website has been re-vamped! Visit us at and see the difference. Please tell your law enforcement friends and LEO-friendly associates about our website. See the new “Author’s Page” format, sample at . You can be [...]

Women to Arms!

July 14, 2001

Just a quickie to let you know I setup a new page today called ‘Women to Arms!’. It’s a spinoff from an editorial I’d done awhile back. I decided to separate the gun related links pertaining to women from ‘The Good, The Bad, The GUN!’, added to them, and established a reference source (more is [...]

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