Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
From Neal Knox
—– Original Message —– From: “Neal Knox” <[email protected]> To: “Firearms Coalition Alerts List” <[email protected]> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 1:50 PM Subject: California License Bills Pass > June 11 Neal Knox Update — The California Senate and Assembly > last week approved differing handgun licensing bills which require > thumbprinting, training and a proficiency demonstration, [...]
TX) Resident kills fleeing intruder
quote:”I love Darrell, but I have no animosity at all about the person who shot him,” she said. “Darrell kicked in his door and went into his home. I have no animosity at all.” ========== Now there’s a new one…a grieving mother who still knows who exactly is responsible for whose actions. That’s something you [...]
Next time you come across someone who is afraid of guns, tell them to pack their bags and move to..
South Africa where: “Policing is a national government responsibility” translated: the government has a responsibility to protect you) but SHHHHHHHHHH….. don’t tell them that “87 of the Western Cape’s 138 police stations did not have crime prevention units. “That means that the only thing police do is respond to crimes that have already happened”……….. ============== [...]
Zero Tolerance at School Doesn’t Work
Zero Tolerance at School Doesn’t Work I found a study (pointed to from entitled “Zero Tolerance, Zero Evidence” that shows that there is no proof that the draconian zero tolerance policies of today’s schools have had ANY benefit to students, and that they are solely a political “feel-good” measure. Here’s a link to a [...]
Opinion letter
The following letter appeared in the San Antonio Express-News May 18. What follows is my response sent by fax that evening. At least I refrained from calling them “Million Moron Marchers”! If you read what I sent them, then look up what was actually published after they edited it you’ll see a difference. The published [...]
La: Cashier shoots burglar at liquor store New Orleans News Cashier shoots burglar at liquor store, police say 06/08/01 By Bob Ussery Staff writer/The Times-Picayune An unarmed man who allegedly broke into a Central City liquor store was shot twice by a cashier Thursday, New Orleans police said. The man, whose identity was withheld, was in fair condition at Charity Hospital, [...]
Burglar shot dead by homeowner 06-08-01
Burglar shot dead by homeowner 06-08-01 Address: June 8, 2001, 2:00PM Alleged burglar shot dead by west Houston homeowner FAIR USE: A Harris County grand jury will review this morning’s fatal shooting of a man who allegedly tried to break into a town house in west Houston. Joseph Derek Joseph West, 21, was shot [...]
London’s GUN VIOLENCE and KNIFE VIOLENCE PROBLEM Two killed in Yardie violence by Paul Pickett Two men have been killed in a shoot-out and a knife attack which police believe involved up to eight Yardie gangsters. One man was found dead from gunshot wounds in a Streatham flat and the second died from a [...]
School children are safe in Japan because their citizens are not allowed to own firearms. ( yeah, right!) He probaly bought it at a knife show. [ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NBC NEWS AND WIRE REPORTS IKEDA, Japan, June 8 – In Japan’s worst mass-killing since nerve gas was released on Tokyo’s subways six years ago, a man [...]
Armed intruder fatally shot inside South Side home
Armed intruder fatally shot inside South Side home The man has not been charged in the shooting. Police said they think he acted in self-defense. Friday, June 8, 2001 Dean Narciso Dispatch Police Reporter An armed man who allegedly forced his way into a South Side home late Wednesday night found a bounty of [...]