Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Needing info
It has been awhile, but at one point last year I had seen a listing on Relay For Life being tied in with the ANTI-GUN crowd- Can anyone help me with where I might find this again- I have already been to NRA, ILA, SAS, and many others- I use to have a hard copy [...]
nancy you are right
The war on drugs is BULL****. When prohabition was abolished, the homicide per capita dropped from 10 per 100,000 to 4 per 100,000. This lasted until the early 1960′s when our government started to make the same dumb mistake with drug prohibition. With drug prohabition, 9,000 people die every year because of illegal drug overdoses. [...]
on a side note
“Everyone from the White House to the outhouse…” During the Clinton years those two places were synonymous. His letter was right on point about the neglegt of the deaths until it became a “white” issue. The War on Drugs only kicked in after the drugs came out of the ghetto and into middle class white [...]
Gun Toters Safer Than Cops
If you ever wondered who is safer, CCW holders or cops, a new report from the police themselves will show you who. News at the “piggy bank” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation or
Gun Laws Compared to Hi-Tech Lynching By Frank Reed
The New Gun Week Vol. 36, Issue 1682 June 1, 2001 Readers’ Forum Gun Laws Compared to Hi-Tech Lynching Dear Editor: As we approach the new millennium, bigotry is alive and well in America. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas referred to his Senate confirmation hearing as a hi-tech lynching. If you are a supporter [...]
Gun Violence You Say?
The right to bear arms is necessary in order to form a well regulated militia. The citizens of a militia must first have their weapons before they can come together to form a militia. The right to bear arms is not for hunting, rather it is for a free people to protect themselves from a [...]
AG Views 2A individual RKBA!
Yahoo! er, Yippee! er, Zowie!
GUN-SHOW BILL IS NOT WHAT THEY SAY GUN-SHOW BILL IS NOT WHAT THEY SAY Re: S. 890, The McCain-Lieberman Bill: “Gun Show Loophole Closing and Gun Law Enforcement Act of 2001.” Mass media publicity on the newly proposed gun-show bill is grossly inaccurate. The bill has almost nothing to do with what you’ve probably heard [...]
Earn This…… Memorial Day Remembrance
Ladies (and Gentlemen) please take a moment on Memorial Day weekend to remember the Americans who gave us our freedom…. This is why I joined in the 2A fight, so that these men and women will not have fought and died in vain….. They gave us our freedom….. All gave some and some gave all! [...]
Man trying to hold up store killed by owner
************************************** The Palm Beach Post> LocalTuesday, May 22 Man trying to hold up store killed by owner By Antigone Barton, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Tuesday, May 22, 2001 LAKE WORTH — An armed robber who held up a store across the street from the city police station Monday made his fatal mistake when [...]