Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Prohibition Fever – A legacy project for the W. era. By Dave Kopel, Independence Institute, and Dr. Michael S. Brown What do guns, drugs, and alcohol have in common? They are all highly portable, highly prized by many people, despised by others, and can be abused. Each has been the object of societal sanctions. As [...]

A survey of magazine & clip suppliers indicates that big price increases will come as the summer months arrive. As sportsmen go outdoors to shoot for enjoyment in the nicer weather, their pockets will be a little emptier. News at the “magazine” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation

“Sara Lee had to sell some of their holdings because profits are down!! Was in the business section last week.” Boycott must be working

Self defense instruction

April 26, 2001

Self defense instruction

Un wants Global Gun Ban

April 26, 2001>

Because of their unnatural obsession with removing dangerous guns from the population, the British government has created a problem for itself. It seems that now, no one is willing to admit to any marksmanship skills, or to touch a firearm in that country. While the government would normally be happy with this, they are in [...]

The 2000 International Crime Victims Survey (ICVS) was recently published by the Dutch Ministry of Justice… The well respected British publication, The Economist had this to say to the antigun British politicians… the survey results “are deeply embarrassing to a government which has promised to be tough on crime and the CAUSES of crime. The [...]

HOLLYWOOD — A Coast Guardsman who was being robbed in a movie theater parking lot pulled out his own gun and shot his two assailants, killing one and critically injuring the other, a police spokesman said on Saturday. Police, however, will not charge Jorge Anez in the shooting. Under the state felony murder rule, Xavier [...]

Toledo, Ohio Newspaper Article Support Concealed Carry Concealed carry laws curb gun violence Toledo Police Chief Mike Navarre and Col. Kenneth Morckel of the Ohio Highway Patrol, among others, oppose concealed carry weapons (CCW) laws for fear of increased gun violence. But where has this happened? The Centers for Disease Control reported that gun deaths [...]

Trigger Lock Company Announce Reverse Stock Split In an effort to keep their stock listed on NASDAQ, Saf-T-Lok Inc. announced a reverse stock split, and will give it common shareholders a one share per ten reverse split. Currently, the stock is listed on NASDAQ at .24 cents per share. To read more, visit:

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