Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The New York Court of Appeals today ruled in favor of gun makers in the case of Hamilton v. Accu-Tech. Court’s Decisionecision is on the NY Court of Appeals website at:
What to do if the police stop you; advice from a lawyer
Back by request. We had the pleasure of meeting with Evan Nappen, one of the most known gun lawyers in America. He gave us advice that is of service for all gun owners who want their rights protected and for those who wish not to be pushed around by the police. His advice can be [...]
The REAL Result of Gun Control Sentiment…..
following is a response to another anti gun student by a certified Physchotherapist………. =============== As a former Hoosier, and a certified psychotherapist (in 3 national and 1 state persuasions), I am, and have been working in the criminal justice systemfor over 15 years. and hope that you are still in school, or maybe I should [...]
To Whom It May Concern: I am a student at Henry M. Gunn Senior High School in California, and I would like to speak out my view about gun control: One summer day in 1988, a twelve-year-old child named Joseph Bixler stayed at home with his thirteen years old brother. Joseph curiously searched around the [...]
Are You Afraid Of Me? You Shouldn’t Be.
Are You Afraid Of Me? You Shouldn’t Be. by Mike Romo [email protected] Are you afraid of me, you shouldn’t be since I am just the average, law abiding American citizen. I am married and have a wonderful child. I work in the area of public safety as a fire fighter. I own my own house [...]
Lung Caner Strikes Sarah Brady
Lung Cancer Strikes Sarah Brady WASHINGTON (AP) – Gun-control advocate Sarah Brady disclosed Friday night that she has been battling lung cancer for at least a year. Mrs. Brady, 59, said on CNN’s “Larry King Live” that the original tumor that doctors discovered in her lung has disappeared, but two spots remain in the same [...]
Feminine firepower
Feminine firepower> Gun permit applications are off but local dealers say sales are good and 30-40% of buyers are women, some of whom take up recreational shooting BY LOUIS ROM THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE Fewer people are applying for handgun permits in San Bernardino and Riverside counties, according to the state Department of Justice. But gun [...]
Who started this initiative?
Interesting topic I would like to see covered here is which woman started this initiative as a strong voice against the gun control efforts of private organizations and the U.S. Congress? She should be commended and, if possible, recognized on the home page of this website. Annie Oakley, Belle Star, and others like them were [...]
NJ News: NJACC Holding “Middle East Shoot” Allamuchy,
NJ News: NJACC Holding “Middle East Shoot” Allamuchy, Sunday, 10AM New Jersey Arms Collectors Club will host a “Middle East Shoot” this Sunday (10AM), at the Cat Swamp Rd, Allamuchy NJ Range. All guns used in the wars of the Middle East during the 20th and 21st centuries are eligible. The public is invited (bring [...]
Excellent response to An AJC Editorial
AJC [Fwd: 4-20-01 editorial] > >I am writing concerning an editorial on page A18 of this mornings paper. >The article ” Georgia’s weak gun laws lead to dubious distinction” >appalls >me. I am a licensed firearm owner and attend most of the gun shows in >the >metropolitan area. I also make purchases at some and [...]