Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

From the Dallas Morning News: Fort Worth: Homeowner shoots armed robber, police say An 18-year-old man was shot twice by a homeowner he was trying to rob in South Fort Worth, police said. The man, whose name was not disclosed, was shot in the head and chest and was in critical condition Wednesday night at [...]

For those who may have missed George F. Will’s column in yesterday’s papers, he wrote concerning the practice commonly known as “racial profiling”: It is an awkward fact, but it is a fact even though there may not be three Washingtonians rash enough to utter it: Felons are not evenly distributed across society’s demographic groups. [...]

Check out this article from the Washington Post: It’s from 1998, but far from irrelevant. A sample: Here are some of the things about guns that Hollywood doesn’t care about, and never gets right. First off, they are very loud. If you shoot them without ear protection, you deafen yourself. If you are surprised [...]

Another web page, facts and stats in a nutshell —————————————————— Gun control has no successes In five years of researching this issue, I’ve yet to find a single objective study or statistical analysis indicating that gun control laws have a significant effect in reducing violent crime. In fact, the opposite often obtains. The Liberals, for [...]

Gun Control = High crime rate and unarmed Victims Original Message—– From: (MCDL) Maryland Citizens Defense League [[email protected]] FBI Uniform Crime Reports Show Maryland With Highest Robbery Rate in Nation Says MCDL To: National Desk Contact: Wayne Ericksen, 410-964-7928, president(At), or Ed Patrick, Dr. Norman Balog, D.O., Philip Lee, PhD. all of Maryland Citizens Defense [...]

Many Americans View Guns as Safety Devices Despite recent school shootings, new research finds that many Americans don’t view gun ownership as dangerous, but rather as a form of security like a seat belt or smoke detector, the Los Angeles Times reported April 11.According to the U.S. Justice Department, there are more than 30 million [...]

A possible Republican defection may give the anti-gunners control of the Senate. We can kiss good bye any attempt at a national ccw reciprocity law and you can believe they would be introducing gun control. News at the “snake” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation Plus 2 new web poll questions.

Of kids and guns By Massad Ayoob In the almost two years since the Columbine tragedy, American police have coined the term ?active shooter.? It means, in essence, a crazed gunman who is at the scene now, murdering people or trying to. As a cop for 27 years by the time you will read this, [...]

National Safety Council> ———————————————————————- Report on Injuries in America ———————————————————————- The Problem Overall Unintentional – injury deaths, 1998 Number of deaths — 92,200 The highest death total was 116,385 in 1969 and the lowest recent death total was 86,777 in 1992 (lowest since 1924). In the 10-year period since 1988, the number of deaths [...]


April 15, 2001

Note to Arizona Residents and their Friends who Reside in Arizona MOTHERS ARMS FOUNDER TEACHES REFUSE TO BE A VICTIM? SEMINAR Don’t become a statistic to violence! Every woman has the right to protect herself, and now Mothers Arms is teaming up with Arizona Outdoors Woman to offer a course on self-defense and personal safety. [...]

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