Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Gun Control That Works

March 23, 2001

from: Gun Control That Works Barry Farber Monday, March 12, 2001 A weather reporter on radio many years ago won a prize and got a raise for predicting, “Snow, followed by little children with sleds.” In this more prosperous but less felicitous America the forecast has become, “School shootings, followed by endless debate over [...]

No: Guns often help ordinary citizens from winding up as crime statistics By Robert A. Waters espite the shootings in a San Diego suburban school, legally obtained guns provide a vital first line of defense for many U.S. citizens. Here are a few recent cases from my files of more than 6,000 such incidents. n [...]

Gun owner saves neighbor from rape ———- by Sharon Turco “Richard Peppers didn’t hesitate when he saw a man beating and raping his neighbor – he pulled out his Ruger .357 Magnum revolver and ordered him to stop.” (03/19/01)

Value Of Gun Locks

March 23, 2001

Value of Gun Locks PRINT THIS STORY | E-MAIL THIS STORY Man faces suspects accused of attacking him after getting ride Victim had just fixed meal when he was assaulted and stabbed By Ellen Miller, News Staff Writer GRAND JUNCTION — Chuck Harris, his right hand laced with stitches and his partially shaved head showing [...]

To survivor, guns are the answer Hector Tobar Los Angeles Times March 18, 2001 AUSTIN – State Rep. Suzanna Hupp doesn’t like to advertise the fact. But if you press her, she won’t deny it – yes, she does carry a loaded gun when she’s on the floor of the Texas House of Representatives. She [...]

2001 is looking to be a good year for those who like to carry firearms. After the elections it seems our side is on the offensive. Plus breaking news on New Mexico’s new status as a right-to-carry state. News at the “spaceship” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation

Most people in the Western world outside the USA view Americans as being a very violent people generally speaking. As someone who has lived in the US and has many American friends I know this not to be so. However I have to comment on the LIES spread by the NRA and it’s supporters that [...]


March 19, 2001

I had to do a GUN CONTROL debate for school. I got info from your page. I PASSED! 100%! GO YOU!

HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON Gun Control Activism from a Crook’s Perspective by Annie February 26, 2001 Dear Gun Control Lady, The other day, I was in bad need of a fix. I needed some crack money somethin? terrible. So I went down the street to the grocery store, parked in a shady part of [...]

Good Bye, Rosie – Fat Lady Sings! Dan Frisa Wednesday, March 14, 2001 Talker Rosie O’Donnell’s ratings have sunk so low they nearly match the level she herself occupies in the political gutter. On a continual downward slide for more than a year, the rotund Rosie will quit her show, which is at the [...]

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