Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
German gun control
I don’t pretend to be an expert on crime in Germany. I lived there for two years as a young Military Policeman. I had many occasions to work with the German Polizei and developed quite a respect for them. As we used to say at the time “Herman-the-German don’t screw around!” You didn’t want to [...]
Cracks in the wall:Gun owners rally to support bills
Cracks in the wall:Gun owners rally to support bills Gun owners rally to support bills By MAGGIE ROTERMUND, State Capital Bureau March 1, 2001 KELLEY MCCALL/Associated Press Spectators watch a rally from the second floor of the state Capitol rotunda Wednesday. Hundreds of gun owners and enthusiasts came to lobby lawmakers and build support. [...]
Would anyone care to guess how many good kids have been turned into future criminals by the uncaring, stupid system, run by idiots (at least in many schools)? Mess up the life of a bright kid with such nonsense and reap the consequences in 5, 10 or 15 years is what I think will happen. [...]
Stop federal gun lawsuits/&/The NRA elections
We have an action item for you. A movement is really started to roll to presure the new administration to end funding for gun lawsuits. We also have recommendations for the NRA board elections. We recommend only those candidates who support CCW’s or National CCW. News at the “e-mail icon” at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation [...]
Do Guns Cause Crime?
Do Guns Cause Crime ? Research work in progress.
Canadians for Provincial Heritage Laws
Canadians are trying to preserve their great culture and heritage by formation of Heritage Laws in the provinces. The federal government’s invasive, intrusive, discriminatory gun law has brought this about. I’ve incorporated some of the idea for you into this article and present the following correspondence of lufa (law-abiding unregistered firearm association) to Premier Klein [...]
New Book ” From Behind The lines”
Check the below web site and read about Jim Crew’s newest book. Reviews are coming in strongly for this book as it fills the gaps for the instructor and the student of weapons handling. It is 201 pages, filled with instruction information and learning techniques. Title is From Behind the Line PO Box 556 [...]
Anti Gun Nut Of the Month
Environmentalists Target Gun Rights by Larry Pratt If anti-gun zealots in government are frustrated that they have not yet been able to completely infringe on our right to keep and bear arms, the United States Forest Service (USFS) has found a politically correct issue to use against gun owners. In Azusa, California, there is a [...]
Making crime pay
Making crime pay ———- by Dave Kopel Crime is rational, not random. “If the risks of crime fall, then crime increases. And vice-versa. It’s that simple.” (02/28/01)
Canadian police voice new concerns on gun registry
Canadian police voice new concerns on gun registry ———- The already lukewarm support of Canadian police for the nation’s controversial gun registration system is eroding amidst reports that the registry will be privatized. Police are concerned that organized crime will gain access to gun data, though there’s no evidence that corruption is less likely in [...]