Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
British Guns and Crimes
Great Mo Pro Gun Rally – GO MO!
Wednesday, February 28, 2001 Gun rights rally draws 400 backers By JODIE E. JACKSON JR. News Tribune More than 400 gun-rights supporters crowded the Missouri Capitol Rotunda this morning for a rally celebrating Missouri’s firearms heritage. “Guns represent a piece of American culture that, without them, we would never have become a free country,” said [...]
criminals break laws
criminals always find ways to break LAWS, right? and law abiding citizens abide by the LAWS, right? so, if we make LAWS restricting gun sales, who will end up with the guns and who will not? think about it.
Democrats cry “no more”/&/Action item for Ruger
Democrats are finding they can not win with the gun control issue, while a movement has started to change the business practices of Sturm, Ruger. News at the “crying baby” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation Plus 2 new web polls.
When Guns Are Outlawed…….
road ragers will use cars! Time to STOP blaming lifeless inanimate objects and start blaming the IRRESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUALS! ———- Read the following article titled Road rage: using cars as weapons at MSNBC: Wonder how many hollywood types will push for more restrictions! …. NOT! BAN AUTOS PUSH FOR REGISTRATION AND LICENSING! Ooops! They are [...]
Radio talk show fires away at gun critics Radio talk show fires away at gun critics By DEBRA MCKINNEY Anchorage Daily News February 27, 2001 ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Former Marines Niels Green and Justin Giles are so passionate about the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms that they’ve launched a radio talk show in Alaska that’s getting a lot of [...]
ANTI-GUNNERS STILL CAN’T LOOK AT THE FACTS A new study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association is sure to have the anti-gun crowd giggling with delight. But, like so many anti-gun arguments, the study has a fatal flaw. The study says the 1990 California law banning the sale of handguns to [...]
DUUUUUUHHHHhH! Lifeless Inanimate object control does NOT work!
When one tool is gone the BG’s WILL find another tool to do their jobs. Lifeless inanimate object control does NOT work! —– This is from the USA Today states section. Can anyone guess what’s coming next? ========= Wednesday, February 28 – Police officials say tougher gun laws in Massachusetts have led to a surge [...]
Knife Self defense: Woman’s Murder Charge To Be Dropped
Would have been nice if the Police Chief had stated exactly why he felt this woman should have been prosecuted. Though I bet certain crucial details were omitted from this article, it sounds on the surface like a case where there was a disparity in strength between the two combatants, one of whom demonstrated an [...]
Unarmed and Unsafe Paul Craig Roberts February 28, 2001 Unarmed and unsafe The last vestige of civilized Britain has fallen away — the unarmed British “Bobbie.” For 170 years, British police functioned without guns. Since their founding by Sir Robert Peel in 1829, Bobbies walked their beats armed only with their nightsticks. Until the last few years [...]