Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
2ampd: the Firearm Issue
Is the firearms rights issue of interest to you? See LEO opinions at Write your own article on this or any other subject and submit for review! Law enforcement officers are society’s professional gun owners and have a variety of opinions on the subject. Not all of them agree with the political police typically [...]
No surprises here:
A recent poll conducted by liberal AOL got (for them, anyway) surprising results. In answer to the question “Who is the WORST President since 1970″, the public said…. Who is the worst U.S. president since 1970? Nixon 1536 13.7% Ford 513 4.6% Carter 1466 13.1% Reagan 962 8.6% Bush Sr. 993 8.8% Clinton 5756 51.3% [...]
Free classes from Front Sight for WAGC Members
Hello Nancy, Last year, you placed one of our banner ads for our Free Submachine Gun course. We’d would like to offer your reader this opportunity again. Anyone who hasn’t already taken the course can go. What do you think? Thanks, Archie Chu FrontSight
Hate mail
Recently there was a little weasel on this forum who felt he could dictate from the safety (he thinks) of his worthless little sub-asian rock and influence my right to self-defense. Nancy, being rightfully fed up with this scumbag deleted his Alice in Wonderland fantasies. Now this turd has decided to harrass me by email. [...]
Using Guns For Self Defense
by J. Neil Schulman [email protected] Author, Stopping Power: Why 70 Million Americans Own Guns & Self Control Not Gun Control Webmaster, The World Wide Web Gun Defense Clock Samantha Kimmel, in Letters to the LA Times, June 5, 2000, responds to John Lott’s June 1 Op-Ed, writing, “Gun advocates like to cook statistics, making it [...]
The Militia: A Primer For Patriots. Read/Study/SAVE!!
The Militia: A Primer For Patriots. Read/Study/SAVE!! (Andy Barniskis) Friends: Interesting. As noted, “Words have meaning.” The meanings change when they become inconvenient for The State. Read Orwell. Also — remember that Article I, Section 10 of the main body of the Constitution prohibits the states from maintaining standing armies, without express approval from congress. [...]
Happening In Maryland
Dear Fellow Gun Owners, This story tells what has happened in the last few years in Maryland the people’s republic where I lived for 28 years before escaping. The politicians never quit you must not either. Weldon Clark Gun laws cause Maryland’s sky-high crime? 2nd Amendment group charges politicians with creating ‘victim-rich environment’ By Jon [...]
Ashcroft May Teach Lefties to Love Guns Ashcroft May Teach Lefties to Love Guns Knute Berger, AlterNet February 13, 2001 I have never understood why the left in this country has decided to unilaterally disarm. Why is it that liberal civil libertarians are always gung ho on the constitution, until it gets to the Second Amendment which was what, written in [...]
Yet Another Study That show Gun Control does NOT work
Study Proves Ineffectiveness of Brady Act Chris Freiman, Staff Writer In July 1999, neo-Nazi Benjamin Nathaniel Smith went on a shooting spree in the Chicago area. Four years prior to this massacre, Illinois implemented the Brady Act, which imposed strict regulations on gun transactions. At first, Smith tried to buy guns from a licensed dealer, [...]
Biker wars
Last night I was looking for information on a weekend motorcycle rally in Beorne, Texas and came across a site where news of interest to OUTLAW bikers was posted. I started reading and was suprised to learn that almost every other article did not come from the United States, as you’d expect. Instead they came [...]