Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The hate Crime Myth
1/22/01 11:10 a.m. The Hate-Crime Myth People don?t save people. Guns save people. By Deroy Murdock, columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service If Matthew Shepard had a gun, he would be alive today. As a new and very sad MTV teledrama reminds us, the 21-year-old University of Wyoming student was pistol-whipped, tied to a [...]
First the “gun show loophole”, now the “private sale loophole” …..Next?
First the “gun show loophole”, now the “private sale loophole”, next… ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A senator from Auburn is proposing a first-in-the-nation law that would put an end to private gun sales without background checks. Under a bill submitted by Sen. Neria Douglass, D-Auburn, anyone selling a firearm in Maine would have to have a federal [...]
Quote of the day!
Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric. – Thomas Sowell
Former UPS worker who stole guns is sentenced
Former UPS worker who stole guns is sentenced Now, someone PLEASE tell me that this is serious enforcement of gun control laws….This clown should have pulled some serious time, like 20 years worth. HCI should be protesting this if they really want enforcement, but what they really , really want is confiscation. If anything should [...]
Please help with a gun related team
Dear gun owners, Help, (This is not a plea for money or spam) (Please read all this post) This is a plea for help. You may or may not be aware that there is a program out there called SETI at home. This program allows persons to volunteer their computers time when you are not [...]
Third world…
I think you’d better check the perspectives involved here. I live in the most powerful nation on the face of the earth. From where I sit they are all third world countries! If your country is such a paradise my advice is to be quiet about it…you’ll encourage all those people who are trying to [...]
And now…
…I think I’ll go to the range. I have a new single action .44 that I’ve never shot and a whole bunch of 9mm ammo. (grin!)
cases cracked… by invoking an inalienable RIGHT
Fair use) Cases cracked … By invoking an inalienable right That a 72-year-old Knob Hill woman had the presence of mind and just plain pluck on a November night last year to grab her .38-caliber revolver and open fire on a man who broke into her home was itself noteworthy, as we observed at [...]
true stories of self- defense
I know you guys don’t like AOL, but…
…AOL does have message boards that are fun to read. The recent White House “suicide by cop” incident provoked the usual kooks. A good example is a message string titled- >>>”THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS” IS PASSE, RACIST, & OUTDATED. THE MILITARY IS ENOUGH TO PROTECT REPUBLIC.<<< That’ll give you a good idea about concerning [...]