Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Gun Shows Under Fire

January 29, 2001

================================================= Michelle Malkin (archive) (printer-friendly version) January 26, 2001 Gun shows under fire Here’s the thing about the Bill of Rights: It isn’t an a la carte menu. You can’t just pick and choose. But that’s exactly what public officials in my neighborhood want to do in their brazenly unconstitutional attempt to ban gun [...]

warriors and weapons

January 28, 2001

Warriors and Weapons by David A. Yeagley | January 26, 2001 URL: A YEAR AGO, I had a religious experience. No, I didn’t speak in tongues. I didn’t see an apparition of Mary. And even though I’m Comanche Indian, I didn’t commune with my ancestors or hear the eagles talk. All I did [...]

Man! AOL makes me sick!!

January 28, 2001

Wish I didn’t have to use them as my ISP.It irks me every time I make a payment to them but there’s not really a lot I can do,but to support all the pro-gun efforts I possibly can.

AOL Resorts to Vindictive Personal Attacks in Defense of Anti-rights Lawsuit Written By: Luke Hansen AOL Resorts to Vindictive Personal Attacks in Defense of their Anti-rights Position from Luke Hansen January 26, 2001 Hi there, Luke Hansen again. In our battle against AOL, we recently won our first major hurdle… Judge Roger S. Dutson denied [...]


January 27, 2001

It can not even be said that the State has ever shown any disposition to suppress crime, but only to safeguard its own monopoly of crime. – Albert Jay Nock

Million Mom Moles

January 27, 2001 Return to normal view Million Mom Moles By Tanya Metaksa | 9/28/00 URL: ISN?T IT AMAZING how a ?grass roots event? has blossomed overnight into a national political organization? The press releases issued by the Million Mom March (MMM) last spring were designed to give the illusion that the MMM was [...]

Constitutional Ignorance

January 26, 2001

JEWISH WORLD REVIEW January 24, 2001 CONSTITUTIONAL IGNORANCE By Walter Williams During last week’s Senate confirmation hearings, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., laid into President Bush’s attorney general nominee John Ashcroft about his strong support for the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment. Kennedy demanded that Ashcroft apologize to the American people. For what did Kennedy think Ashcroft [...]

Las Vegas Employees Can Carry Guns 1/25/01 JTO Under a new policy, city employees in Las Vegas, Nev., can carry guns at work, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported Jan. 15. The new policy conforms to a state law that allows any public employee who has a concealed-weapons permit to carry a firearm at [...]

I sent my $$$ early on to support this. If it folds for lack of funds don’t bitch about the fate of the manufacturers afterward, and the closing of gunshops. If it folds it will make S&W look better than it should by suggesting that shooters and Second Amendment supporters don’t really give a damn, [...]

On Monday Jan. 29, 2001 at 3 PM the M&P committee will meet in room “C” of the General Assembly building in Richmond, VA. They will discuss several bills to repeal the Restaurant ban on CCW and to initiate reciprocity with other states. If any of you can be there, please do so. We need [...]

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