Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

In the words of MLK…

January 20, 2001

…”free at last!” Seems appropriate today with Slick-Willie leaving!

The business channel has reported Smith & Wesson may soon be back in American hands. The end may be near, as the only anti-gun gunmaker may soon fall into gun friendly hands. The list of bidders is a who’s who of the American gun industry. For news go to the “black box” icon at: National [...]

Atty General nomination

January 19, 2001

I watched CNN yesterday and listened to that bimbo Maxine Waters whine about the nominee. You know, I don’t know a thing about this guy but Waters opposition is enough for me! If she is against it I’m for it…she’s always supported every half-baked liberal extremist cause around in the past so I can only [...]

City Can’t Sue Dealers for Gun Use Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001 Gary, Ind., has lost its lawsuit blaming the handgun industry for crimes committed with guns. Instead, the judge advised, go after the criminals. Opponents of Gary’s effort to put a serious crimp in guns sold in Indiana being used by lawbreakers contend the [...]

Following is an interview I did for a Libertarian Italian Journalist who writes for an Italian Gun Magazine called ARMI MAGAZINE: So how’d I do, Gang? it’ll be in th amarch Issue: ——Begin Interview Questions and Answers—– A Double Barrel Interview From the Two Top Brass of Women Against Gun Control , Janalee Tobias President [...]

———– FW: SAS counters Glamour’s MMM Woman of the Year Glamour magazine wrong on ‘ordinary mom’ anti-gun organizer ———- Glamour magazine named Donna Dees-Thomases, a well-connected Clinton insider, one of its women of the year for her role in organizing the Million Mom March. The Second Amdendment Sisters point out why they couldn’t have made [...]

—–Original Message—– From: Wendell M. Joost III <[email protected]> To: Nancy <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 9:46 PM Subject: NRA Instructor Certification Course Memorial Day Weekend (May 26-28, 2001) >NRA Instructor Certification Course Memorial Day Weekend (May 26-28, 2001) > >If you are an experienced shooter, interested in helping teach new shooters, >you might want [...]

Well, we all know who MMM is/are… How about the anti-MMM…? Or rather, turning them on their heads with WWW – Women With Weapons. What do you think? On a related note, a friend in another forum suggested a “bring your female friend/relative to the range day” as an affort to get women interested in [...]

The Real Gun Safety Crisis

January 16, 2001

The real gun safety crisis By Dr. Michael S. Brown web posted January 15, 2001 The anti-gun lobby has tried every possible approach to attack guns and gun owners. They imply that guns drive human beings to acts of violence, they claim that guns are responsible for suicides and they insist that guns do much [...]

Effective 1 FEB 2001 the 2nd Amendment Home page may be found at a new URL. The new address is Until that date the web page may be accessed at the current address:

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