Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

now if a madman decides to come in and attack them they have noone to protect them…… ———— Thursday, Jan. 4, 2001 Judge suspends sentence for teacher who brought gun to school MANASSAS, Va. (AP) – A former Prince William County teacher who brought a loaded gun to school will not go to jail. Deena [...]

Mass. Shooting Part 2

January 4, 2001

—– Original Message —– From: “Vin Suprynowicz” Vin_Suprynowicz@l… To: vinsends@e… Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 6:11 PM Subject: Jan. 8 column — Mass. shootings, part 2 > > FROM MOUNTAIN MEDIA > FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATED JAN. 8, 2001 > THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz > The questions that are never asked, Part II > [...]

Senator Schumer is already making statments against the new pick for Attorney General. It appears having the new position may spell victory for gun owners over the next 4 years. Having one of our own, instead of Reno, can translate into nicer treatment from the BATF. News at the “scales of justice” icon at: National [...]

Hoey criticises ban on handguns ISSUE 2048 Tuesday 2 January 2001 Hoey criticises ban on handguns By David Sapsted Sporting Gun magazine Sport – Department for Culture, Media & Sport THE post-Dunblane ban on handgun possession has done nothing to stop criminals getting their hands on firearms, according to Kate Hoey, the sports minister. [...]

A Tale Of Two Cities: Armed And Alive, Disarmed And Dead by Larry Pratt It’s a cautionary tale — or should be — of two cities. In one (Wakefield, Massachusetts), it was the worst of times because only the Bad Guy mass murderer had the guns. But, in the other city (New York), it was [...]

A news item regarding Hillary Clinton and her unfortunate (for the people of New Yawk at least) swearing into the Senate: >>>Following tradition, she will be escorted into the Senate chamber by New York’s senior Sen. Charles Schumer.<<< Now there’s a pair to draw to! Culture Vultures, In the Absence of Guns by Mark Steyn-Celebrity news from the United Kingdom: In April, Germaine Greer, the Australian feminist and author of The Female Eunuch, was leaving her house in East Anglia, when a young woman accosted her, forced her back inside, tied her up, smashed her glasses, and then set [...]

WHAT CAN BE DONE TO STOP PUBLIC MASS SHOOTINGS? To see if there are any public policies that reduce the carnage of public mass shootings, researchers at the University of Chicago compiled data on all multiple-victim public shootings that occurred in the United States from 1977 to 1999. These were incidents in which at least [...]

2ND BUST IN CARIBBEAN CHURCH HORROR Tuesday,January 2,2001 By ANDY SOLTIS ——————————————————————————– SISTER THERESA EGAN – Hacked to death Police in St. Lucia captured a second suspect yesterday in the brutal New Year’s Eve attack on worshippers at a Catholic Mass that left two people dead and dozens injured. The first suspect, Kim John, 20, [...]

Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2000 20:31:57 -0600 From: “Charlene” <[email protected]> Subject: re: British ‘Safety’ Guidelines. All: from a former sovereign citizen in the U.K. Sad. Charlene Hi folks. I recently recieved an e-mail (thanks Jimmie) pointing me in the direction of our Home Office’s website and suggesting I check out their guidelines to ‘Personal Safety [...]

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