Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

—-Original Message—– From: Joe Brower <> Date: Saturday, November 18, 2000 11:35 AM Subject: sacfla Gary Kleck/David Kopel meeting notes (long) a detailed writeup of the >11/15 Indepence Institute meeting in Oakland, California. Feel free >to forward as desired: > >*** > >It was a good meeting Nov 15 at the Independent Institute. There were [...]

Friday, November 17, 2000 S.W. Phila. deli holdup leaves a robber dead The store’s owner, who had been held up before, traded shots with two men. Police were uncertain about charges. By Robert Moran INQUIRER STAFF WRITER A Southwest Philadelphia store owner who had been held up once too often responded with force yesterday to [...]

The Armed CITIZEN! By Leroy Pyle He wouldn’t give up – The incident began in a bar a little after 1 a.m. where Dennis Devitte, with friends and family, was enjoying the music. Three armed thugs came charging through the back door, with guns drawn and their faces covered by T-shirts or bandannas. One tried [...]

A new suit has been brought by Texas legislators and others that will help everyone in all 50 states. This suit seeks to kill the anti-gun lawsuits, which plague the gun industry at the moment. The suit appears to be designed to give the pro-gunners a better “legal standing” to have this case heard, unlike [...]

Million Mom March Commemorative (5/14/00) unofficial Handgun Control Incorporated/ Violence Policy Center/ Bell Campaign Rape Mitigation Kit (C) 2000 Permission is granted to print, copy, and distribute hard (non-electronic) copies of this page freely and without royalties of any kind, provided that it is not altered in any manner. The page is formatted so it [...]


November 16, 2000

We are strugling here in Missouri to get WAGC off the ground. I have finally found a member who is willing to recruit and get active, some of the other members are not very active. After this disaster of an election (we lost our only hope of getting ccw in Missouri when democrats stole the [...]

Stories like this….

November 14, 2000 about the murderous ax-wielding mom really upset me.I don’t recall seeing anything in the paper about this,or even hearing about it in the news….Now,if these kids were shot with a handgun(or,actually,any gun)it would be blasted across the airwaves with reckless abandon. This reminds me of another story,one that was not covered in the news [...]

Information about WAGC

November 14, 2000

My name is Daniel Bjorklund. I am a student at the University of Wyoming and for an English class we have to compare 2 differnt web sites so i decided to use yours. So of the basic info i need i couldn’t find, like when it was first created or who started it. Things of [...]

Mother accused of killing children with ax ——————————————————————————– The Associated Press ——————————————————————————– CAINHOY — A 6-year-old boy and 18-month old girl died Saturday after their mother struck them in the head with an ax, authorities said. Perstephanie Simmons, 30, has been charged with two counts of murder. Deputies questioned her, but still don’t know what [...]

——————————————————————————– The New York Times November 11, 2000 Judge Says Town Went Too Far in Creation of Gun-Free Zones NEWARK, Nov. 10 ? A New Jersey judge has overturned an unusual local law that bans guns within 1,000 feet of schools, parks, playgrounds or libraries in the borough of Roseland, ruling that only the state [...]

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