Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

AOL Fires Gun Owners

November 4, 2000

AOL Fires Gun Owners! ?2000, Sarah Thompson, M.D. America Online has been known to gun owners for some time for their support of anti-gun organizations and policies. They?ve donated large sums of money to liberal, anti-gun Democrat organizations to support people like Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy. More recently, they?ve canceled accounts [...]

notice: MADD supports BUSH! The MMMer’s should take a REAL lesson from MADD! —–Original Message—– From: To: undisclosed-recipients:; <undisclosed-recipients:;> Date: Saturday, November 04, 2000 5:29 PM Subject: the truth is out there if you really are concerned BUSH will be one of the finest Presidents yet..unlike Pres and VP Pinocchio , both of whom have [...]

Disarming Gramdma

November 4, 2000

Disarming Grandma Date: 10/24/2000 7:15:00 PM Written By: Riverheart Disarming Grandma by Riverheart Let’s take a little look at the effects of the anti-rights (I refuse to call them “anti-gun”) movement’s attempts to ban inexpensive handguns. They claim that this is an attempt to prevent criminals from obtaining guns. This is a good mission, one [...]

Three highly populated states have passed laws, which create new ways to ban firearms. The movement requires guns to pass certain government mandated safety tests. Watch out, this may become a national movement. See how this may ban firearms in all states by going to the “gun” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation

From: J. Horn <crowtalk@t…> Date: Thu Nov 2, 2000 11:30am Subject: CCOPS and JPFO anti-cop propaganda via alleged Sebastopol, Calif Police Officer ============ This is a long post, but it describes a developing police hazard that is taking shape right now in this country. This CCOPS is an organization that is part of, or works [...]

We are done with an election guide for all 435 House seats and for the 30+ Senate seats up for grabs this November. We rate individuals based on their support of right-to-carry and national reciprocity. Please view this as soon as possible and please bring as many people as you can to vote on Election [...]

“Gun-control ……

November 1, 2000

….has always been an elitist method of controlling the common folk. …Nevertheless, if the urban insane wish to be prey for predators, that’s their privilege. But no one has the right to tell someone else that he or she cannot possess the tools necessary to defend his or her life and the lives of loved [...]

—————— “People who say guns are bad are lucky enough never to have been in a situation where someone has kicked down your door and threatened the life of your son and your sixty-five-year-old mother.” – Memphis, Tennessee resident Gina Cushon, quoted in Laura Ingraham’s book “The Hillary Trap”

jamaican gun laws

October 31, 2000

We should distribute this info as widely as possible. There are three bombshell paragraphs in this article. Pay very close attention to the last sentence in each of the two following paragraphs: [American criminologist William Calathes, the most sophisticated scholar of Jamaica's gun polices, writes: "it is readily apparent that the Gun Court Act did [...]

NEWS FROM THE LIBERTARIAN PARTY 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100 Washington DC 20037 World Wide Web: =============================== For release: October 30, 2000 =============================== For additional information: George Getz, Press Secretary Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222 E-Mail: [email protected] =============================== Fatality fumble: Football kills as many students as school shootings WASHINGTON, DC — High school [...]

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