Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
regulating Gun Shows Sales Of Fireaems: Measure IS INEFFECTIVE < OVERLY BROAD AND UNNEEDED
REGULATING GUN SHOW SALES OF FIREARMSCON: MEASURE 5 IS INEFFECTIVE, OVERLY BROAD AND UNNEEDED The Oregonian, October 13,2000 SOURCE: JOHN R. LOTT, JR. Who could possibly oppose closing the gun show loophole? Preventing criminals from obtaining guns is everyone’s goal. It is an important goal even though fewer than 2 percent of criminal guns originate [...]
NEW ITEM! The Second Amendment: Preserving the Inalienable Right
Sounds like a good book…. NEW ITEM! The Second Amendment: Preserving the Inalienable Right The Second Amendment: Preserving the Inalienable Right of Individual Self-Protection by David Barton “A free people ought to be armed.” – George Washington The 2nd Amendment has today become one of the most controversial parts of the Constitution. Gun opponents claim [...]
A man killed, his wife badly beaten…
…in Phoenix, last night, not five miles from my house. Suspects were unknown to the man or woman. This was a home invasion by five men. Reported in the news this morning.
Brazil Overturns Gun Control to Fight Crime
Brazil Overturns Gun Control Decree SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) – The Supreme Court has overturned a recent decree that restricted gun sales as part of the government’s fight against rising crime. Ruling on an appeal, the court’s 11 justices voted unanimously to overturn a June 21 decree that banned the issuing of gun permits through [...]
Not SO Safe Storage Laws
Not-so Safe-Storage Laws. The only ones “safe” are the intruders. National Review Online. Oct. 18, 2000. With Dr. Paul Gallant & Dr. Joanne Eisen.
National ban on gun sales is overturned
seen on e as linked from If only GW Bush can find some guys like this for the court. National ban on gun sales is overturned The Supreme Court of Brazil has overturned a nationwide ban on gun sales decreed earlier this year as part of a government program to curb rising crime [...]
Smith & Wesson laysoff 15% of employees. Boycott working!
You gotta love it. S&W is starting to sink and they blame it on us honest gun owners who are boycotting their products. News at the “happy face” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation
Get off those damn bikes…
Get off that bike and get your gun Study reveals that deer hunting is much safer than cycling. By J. Michael Kelly Every hunter I know would agree that one shooting accident in the field is one too many. That sentiment may explain why hunting is one of the safest forms of exercise this side [...]
ROBBERY SUSPECT FATALLY SHOT IN STRUGGLE WITH STORE CLERKS,1575,SAV-0010150012,00.html By Karen Mellen Tribune Staff Writer October 15, 2000 A Chicago man who police believe robbed a South Side grocery store Sept. 19 was fatally shot with his own gun Friday afternoon when he tried to rob the same store, police said. The two clerks [...]
John McCain
The Arizona senator’s questionable commitment to Second Amendment rights. By Dave Kopel, author of The Truth About Gun Shows ohn McCain has apparently discovered that soft money has its merits, now that a California billionaire is funding his appearance in gun control commercials in Colorado and Oregon. This might be considered a signal that McCain [...]