Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Defects Suspend Gun Lock Effort .c The Associated Press KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – A nationwide effort to distribute gun locks has been suspended after police in two East Tennessee cities discovered many of them could be easily opened. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade group for weapon and ammunition makers, had distributed 400,000 cable [...]

Gun Shows, Where Is The Loophole? In November, the voters in Colorado and Oregon will vote on the issue of background checks at gun shows. Dave Kopel points out that there is no gun show loophole. The Facts about Gun Shows by David B. Kopel David B. Kopel is an associate policy analyst at the [...]


October 10, 2000

I saw the infomercial on ABC last night and wasn’t very happy with it. I recommend that anyone who is unhappy with the biased “coverage” should call (or preferably write) their LOCAL station. Each local station is required by law to report all complaints to the FCC within 90 days of receipt. Now that THAT’s [...]

anti quote of the day

October 10, 2000

Silent March says: >>Vote in the November election; it?s your privilege! ( Privilege? Well, that clears up some questions!

Grabber Web Watch

October 10, 2000

Grabber Web Watch A Periodic Service to Help Gun Rights Activists ?Watch The Enemy? by dischord (distribution permitted and encouraged) Oct. 1 ? Oct. 9, 2000 ** New group forms Oct. 3: Americans for Gun Safety. This is the organization using John McCain in ads supporting Colorado and Oregon ?gun show loophole? measures ( ** [...]

I was just at the federal election commision (fec)website, and saw that handgun control inc has donated $3000 to the matheson for congress campaign. Also, don’t let the ads from the clinton wannabe, “howel”, (running against orrin hatch), fool you. he’s trying to say he’s conservative, but he’s a stinking liberal that knows if he [...]

the meaning of Militia

October 9, 2000 Jack Kelly: The meaning of ‘militia’ Foes of the Second Amendment misrepresent it Sunday, October 08, 2000 The Second Amendment says: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Jack Kelly is national affairs writer [...]

Gunowners TV

October 9, 2000

Antigunners have had 30 years of free TV and they are killing us. Present outdoor programs are less than 10% guns and shooting sports. Time for something better. SHOOTING EXPRESS TELEVISION IS BUILDING A SHOOTING SPORTS, PROGUN, 2ND AMENDMENT TV NETWORK. Check the site Or call toll free 1-877-551-2605 Best Regards — Ed Hubel

Hands Off Death

October 9, 2000

Speak your mind Discuss this story with other people. [Start a Conversation] (Requires Yahoo! Messenger) Sunday October 08 02:32 AM EDT NYC Man Arrested For Punching Death NEW YORK (AP) – A man has been charged with killing a father of eight by punching him in the face during a dispute in a Times Square [...]

Speak your mind Discuss this story with other people. [Start a Conversation] (Requires Yahoo! Messenger) Monday October 09 05:16 PM EDT Gun Injuries on Decline, Feds Say WASHINGTON ( — Injuries and deaths caused by firearms declined by 40 percent in the mid-1990s, the Department of Justice reported in a new study, but at [...]

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