Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Drwawing The Line By Leroy Pyle
Drawing The Line By Leroy Pyle The role of the police officer in the quest for individual rights is a common topic for many in the activist community. I am often challenged with the demand for my personal interpretation of certain constitutional rights, or to define my response to a hypothetical situation. Typically, the question [...]
The Uplifters…
THE UPLIFTERS TRY IT AGAIN by H. L. Mencken (Originally published in 1925; Copyright, 1925, by The Evening Sun. Republication with credit permitted.) I. The eminent Nation announces with relish “the organization of a national committee of 100 to induce Congress to prohibit the inter-State traffic in revolvers,” and offers the pious judgement that it [...]
First Freedom and concord two thousand
From: Leroy Pyle <lpyle@p…> Date: Wed Oct 4, 2000 4:23pm Subject: FW: Pictures from Bridge/Rally Check out to see the first set of pictures from the Concord 2000 and First Freedom – Rally in the Valley events that took place in Bethlehem, PA on Monday 2 Oct 00. The good guys are on the [...]
Breaking News
To: REF and Friends efw@v… From: Rights Education Fund efw@v… Subject: BREAKING NEWS Well, if this were World Net Daily or the Drudge Report it would probably start with “BREAKING NEWS.” This ain’t either of them but we’re going to use it anyway. The Knoxville Police Department has taken down at least two of their [...]
The Equalizer
The equalizer The Million Mom Marcher-types would have you believe that guns are just nasty — the playthings of rednecks and brutes, and certainly of no use to decent people. But Col. Colt’s revolver earned the nineteenth-century nickname “the equalizer” for good reason. As a weapon of self-defense, it ended the age of brawn and [...]
More Light
More light THE AVAILABILITY OF handguns continues to be a hot-button political issue, particularly in Virginia. The commonwealth’s right-to-carry, concealed weapons law is vigorously opposed by those who favor strict government controls on these agents of death, including thousands attending the Million Mom March earlier this year. It seems so obvious. The whole purpose of [...]
Anti gun nut of the month
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Smears “Pro-Gun, Anti-Government” Americans Who Might Also Flash The Constitution Or Bible by Larry Pratt Comedian Jeff Foxworthy has made a good living with his routines and book titled “You Might Be A Redneck If….” What he does is to list a series of things which, if true, mean you might, [...]
Shootings Justified
The District Attorney will not charge a man who shot three intruders, killing one, who broke into his home last month claiming he acted within the Colorado “make my day” and self-defense laws: ‘Shootings justified’ Man not charged for killing intruder By Bill Hethcock/The Gazette Edited by Mike Braham; headline by Stephanie Espinoza Prosecutors will [...]
Post for Annie
In five men break into your house when you are alone seeking to assault and rape you, would you: a) Scream furiously b) Call 911 and scream furiously c) Make everyone some tea d) Grab your Glock .40 and attempt to defend yourself? Or: Given the inherent violence at the founding of our country, from [...]