Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Why do they fear us?

October 3, 2000

Why Do They Fear Us? By Peter W. Wickham, Jr It often causes me to wonder why gun-grabbers (and other liberals, for that matter) fear us gunowners so much. I mean I understand the fear of running into a violent criminal who may be armed with an assortment of weapons (not necessarily firearms). I suffer [...]

Pro Gun Evangelist

October 3, 2000

Evangelist preaching peace says that guns can BY JUDY TARJANYI BLADE RELIGION EDITOR The Rev. Bryan Sharp is a peace-loving evangelist who would rather talk about Jesus than guns. But when his right to bear arms is being threatened, as he believes it is today, he is willing to be enlisted in the war of [...]


October 3, 2000

Message 904 of 913 [ Reply ] [ Forward ] [ View Source ] From: Leroy Pyle <lpyle@2…> Date: Tue Oct 3, 2000 11:46am Subject: Gun activists shoot from the lip at rally Gun activists shoot from the lip at rally October 3, 2000 BY FRANK MAIN STAFF REPORTER The presidential candidates have been [...]

From: GOA-Texas <director@g…> Date: Mon Oct 2, 2000 11:55pm Subject: AMERICA – ARE YOU SLEEPING? PART V —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– GUN OWNERS ALLIANCE !!ALERT!! Chris W. Stark – Director P.O. Box 1924 Crosby, Texas 77532-1924 Ph. 1-713-202-9548 Fax 1-281-328-7505 email: Director@G… 02 October 2000 +++++++++++++++++ AMERICA – ARE YOU SLEEPING? PART V ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [...]

Gun News Oct. 2, 2000 AP1002.doc Court backs minimum terms for gun crimes Judges side with Ottawa: Supreme Court rules mandatory penalty is fair Luiza Chwialkowska National Post OTTAWA Federal firearms legislation survived a key constitutional challenge yesterday when a near-unanimous Supreme Court ruled that special mandatory minimum sentences for crimes committed with a gun [...]

Law abiders under fire

October 3, 2000 Law abiders under fire October 1, 2000 BY MICHELLE STEVENS SUN-TIMES COLUMNIST Guns don’t kill; people do. Yet the anti-gun advocates are at it again, bullying Congress to support their cause–which is to banish the object rather than the person who illegally uses the object. Instead of lobbying for longer sentences for criminals who [...]

Owner of joins gun-control battle By Associated Press, 10/2/2000 NEW YORK – owner Andrew McKelvey has joined in the gun control fight, sinking $12 million into a new group, Americans for Gun Safety, Newsweek reports in this week’s edition. But the group will not be a typical gun control advocacy organization. McKelvey said [...]

——————————————————————————– The hight court has screwed gun owners by supporting this federal gun control law. For the news go to the “scales of justice” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation Plus two new web polls. ——————

Wacky Pax Facts

October 2, 2000

Wacky Pax Fact Keeping Tabs On Your 19-Year-Old?s Playmates by dischord (distribution permitted and encouraged) The annals of gun grabbing are full of grossly exaggerated claims, especially when it comes to dangers to ?children.? But the following whopper by Pax USA really takes the 19-year-old ?child? factoid to a new level. The group seems to [...]

Yahoo has an poll about the “AW” ban (based on the Supreme’s decision not to hear that case). We’re losing, by about 55/45. Go vote, folks, go vote! It’s about halfway down on the right:

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