Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

FROM DON KATES — FURTHER LESSONS FROM VA TECH Subject: [2ampd] FROM DON KATES — FURTHER LESSONS FROM VA TECH View this article and comment on this and others posted by Don Kates at Beating the Odds: How did one gunman kill 32 people? The statistics on handgun lethality are well-established: A person wounded [...]

STLtoday article: Ex-envoy warns of foreign threats to U.S. gun owners Date: Apr 16, 2007 5:21 PM Ex-envoy warns of foreign threats to U.S. gun owners Below is the link to the story. Here is the story.Gun-control advocates want to use international treaties to restrict rights in U.S. former Ambassador John Bolton tells the [...]

Enabling tragedy: Gun bill gets shot down by panel Date: Apr 16, 2007 5:16 PM The Roanoke Times Gun bill gets shot down by panel HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee. Please visit: ———————— and this friends enavbles innocent people to be killed on VA Tech Campus [...]


April 15, 2007

RUDY Versus GUNS Date: Apr 15, 2007 6:45 PM The Right to Hunt in Montana: Rudy Giuliani’s Narrow Reading of the Second Amendment By Jacob Sullum Senior editor at Reason magazine April 11, 2007 http://www.townhall < _> .com/Columnists/JacobSullum/2007/04/11/the_right_to_hunt_ in_montana_rudy_giulianis_narrow_reading_of_the_second_amendment Despite his promise to appoint “strict constructionists” to the Supreme Court if he is elected president, [...] The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !

“We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is.” Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes (1930-1941) The Declaration of Independence and the Second Amendment share something in common; they both have preambles. The Second Amendment is the only amendment enumerated in the Bill of Rights that contains a stated purpose, [...]

Gun Used in Self-Defense? Tell ’20/20′! It looks like John Stossel is going to be doing a 20/20 story on guns used in self defense. I’ve read a few of his books, and I bet he’ll give the “armed citizen” a fair shake. If you’ve got a self-defense story to share, please visit this website. [...]

Letter: Registry does nothing to curtail illegal firearms Date: Apr 14, 2007 10:57 AM PUBLICATION: The Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal DATE: 2007.04.14 SECTION: Columns Comment. WORD COUNT: 168 ———————————————————————— ——– Registry does nothing to curtail illegal firearms ———————————————————————— ——– Clarification of the gun registry and gun control is required. The registry of sporting rifles and shotguns [...]

Too Much Gun Law

April 14, 2007

give the SOB’s an inch and they’ll take a mile !!!!!!!!!!!!! ————————————– Too Much Gun Law – York Dispatch H.B. 760 is more than overreaching legislative tyranny. It`s stupid and insulting. In essence, it would require gun owners statewide to reregister — annually — every firearm they possess except for specified collector`s items or antiques [...]

Firearms Industry Responds To Bloomberg`s Latest Anti-Gun Efforts – York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has once again distorted the facts surrounding an important piece of legislation designed to protect law enforcement. The Tiahrt Amendment, while restricting access of firearms tracing data to the general public, does not, as Mayor Bloomberg contends, restrict law enforcement [...]

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