Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Bogus Gun Violence Costs
Bogus gun violence costs Author: Jef Allen A new book, “Gun Violence: The Real Costs” pumped-up an outrageous figure by calling people at home and asking how much they’d pay to avoid being shot. (9/18/00) URL:
Guns Don’t Cause Crime, Criminals Do
Guns Don’t Cause Crime, Criminals Do Patrick D. Nolan, Ph.D. The argument that the simple availability of handguns increases the rate of gun violence and violent crime has received yet another blow from a study by two researchers at Florida International University: Lisa Stolzenberg and Stewart D’Alessio. Their article in the highly esteemed sociology journal [...]
Survey says…
I took an AOL asked a series of questions regarding what concepts I like and what I dislike….at the end it was supposed to tell me what candidate to vote for. When it was all said and done it named George Bush as the perfect candidate. Pat Buchannon ran second and that tree hugger [...]
PLPM Conference
P for POOR, L for LITTLE, P for PARANOID, and M for MOMS! GUN-LOVERS TAKE AIM AT MOMS IN COLORADO …. DENVER – A group of mothers against guns celebrated the first anniversary of the anti-gun Million Mom March this weekend by slinking around a hotel – fearful of the adamant pro-gun activists outside. “We’re [...]
Hollywood loves Algore…
Gore Campaign Pockets $8 Million From Industry That Markets Violence to Children By Bill Fancher, While Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman was testifying before a Senate committee probing the entertainment industry’s marketing of violent products to underage kids, Hollywood heavyweights were gathering at Radio City Music Hall for a multi-million dollar fund-raiser for the [...]
America…the gutless society…read on…
A Nation of Cowards Jeffrey R. Snyder OUR SOCIETY has reached a pinnacle of self-expression and respect for individuality rare or unmatched in history. Our entire popular culture — from fashion magazines to the cinema — positively screams the matchless worth of the individual, and glories in eccentricity, nonconformity, independent judgment, and self-determination. This enthusiasm [...]
The good pastor said…
Circa 1945… The good pastor Martin Niemoller said: First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a [...]
The Layman?s Guide to Black Market Firearms
The Layman?s Guide to Black Market Firearms By Curt Bolding copywrite2000 Curt Bolding is a 16 year police veteran with experience spanning four jurisdictions in Illinois. Still active in his chosen profession, he currently serves as both a street officer and as a Control and Arrest Tactics instructor. Everybody?s heard the term ?black market.? Most [...]
Suspect Shot in Burglary Shuffle
From quote: ——————————————————————————– Friday, September 15, 2000 Suspect Shot in Burglary Scuffle By Steve Shoup Journal Staff Writer A homeowner surprised a suspected burglar in the Northeast Heights on Thursday, and the suspect was shot twice during a struggle with the homeowner, the Albuquerque Police Department reported. Neither the name of the suspect nor [...]
Armed Monterey Park Man Stops Home Invasion
Armed Monterey Park Man Stops Home Invasion One Intruder Wounded During Confrontation MONTEREY PARK, Calif. , Posted 3:36 p.m. PDT September 16, 2000 — An apparent home invasion robbery went real bad for two suspects Friday night. According to Monterey Park police, a man walked into his residence in the 500 block of East Taylor [...]