Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Lott’s New interview In Forbes John Lott is famous for his work on gun control. But he’s got some equally compelling thoughts about other aspects of government’s intrusions on our lives. Guns, Drugs And Insider Trading By Peter Brimelow Next JOHN LOTT HAS FEW EQUALS AS A PERCEPTIVE ANALYST of controversial public policy issues,” says Nobel laureate Milton Friedman. [...]
Cops: Man Stalked Woman For 25 Years- Arrest Warrant Issued After Alleged Kidnap Attempt Cops: Man Stalked Woman For 25 Years Arrest Warrant Issued After Alleged Kidnap Attempt Sept. 7, 2000 By Richard Zitrin John Douglas: Stalking and Obsession RIDGEFIELD, Wash. ( — A 45-year-old man who has been stalking a former college acquaintance for 25 years is being sought for allegedly trying to kidnap her over the [...]
what I’d Like to know is.. when is Upchuckie Scumbag NOT LIEING?
—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization September 8, 2000 Alert: Is Senator Charles Schumer lying? Come to the CCOPS website to read a facsimile of a letter he recently sent to a member who kindly provided us with a copy. Click [...]
dead batteries make dead people
Dead Batteries Make Dead People: The truth about restricted-use firearms and trigger locks Presented by the Liberty Crew at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership Here is your chance to help unmask the biggest “gun control” scam to date. Everyone must jump out of their foxholes and use this information now. Here is why [...]
Washington Bulletin: National Review’s Internet Update for Thursday, September 7, 2000 By John J. Miller and Ramesh Ponnuru GUNNING FOR GORE: NRA MEMBERSHIP THROUGH ROOF Being demonized has never felt so good. The National Rifle Association’s membership is shooting through the roof, thanks to the continual potshots at the organization from Al Gore and [...]
Real Cops, and Others Don’t believe the cops’ photo ops for Gore 8/28/00 12:50 p.m. Real Cops, and Others Don’t believe the cops’ photo ops for Gore. By Jack Dunphy*, an officer of the Los Angeles Police Department A prediction: Between now and election day you will see, perhaps several times, images of Vice President Gore addressing an audience while standing before a backdrop of uniformed [...]
RICO Used against State Government (Finally!)
IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE RACKETEERING IN WASHINGTON STATE GOVERNMENT ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO AUGUST 27, 2000, Washington State Government has been named as a Racketeering Influence Corrupt Organization. The RICO lawsuit was filed in the Federal District Court of New Mexico, on June 27, 2000. The lawsuit names the Governor of Washington State Gary Locke, as well [...]
Accidental Hospital Deaths Are Higher than Accidental Gun Deaths
From: BeatIRS ACCIDENTAL HOSPITAL DEATHS ARE HIGHER THAN ACCIDENTAL GUN DEATHS Jim Traficant Mr. Speaker, accidental deaths caused by doctors and hospitals in America reached 120,000 per year. Meanwhile, gun deaths have dropped 35 percent. In fact, accidental gun deaths dropped to 1,500 last year. Think about it. We have got hospitals slicing and [...]
The FBI has added new category to school shooting risks.
The FBI has added new category to school shooting risks. Excerpt: “Some examples of what to look for included recurrent themes of destruction or violence in a student’s writing or artwork, students who nursed resentment over real or perceived injustices, those fascinated with violent entertainment and families that kept weapons in the home, it said. [...]
when guns are outlawed………
Ayup, those bumperstickers are right. Empirical proof. In Great Britain, “…only outlaws will have guns.”,2763,363761,0 0.html