Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Defending The Second Amendment
Defending The Second Amendment – Harvard Gazette Like a courtroom version of High Noon, legal guns are squaring off this year in a confrontation over the Second Amendment. And whoever wins, the battle will touch off a longtime culture war that rivals Roe v. Wade, said National Rifle Association President Sandra Froman in an April [...]
What Do Rosie O’Donnell and The Florida Chamber of Commerce Have In Common? they both work with the Million Mom March and The Brady Campaign to destroy our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The anti-gun Florida Chamber of Commerce and the anti-gun Florida Retail Federation are now openly working with the Brady Campaign, a [...]
Missouri Governor Matt Blunt Signs Emergency Powers Protection into Law at National Rifle
Missouri Governor Matt Blunt Signs Emergency Powers Protection into Law at National Rifle Association Annual Meeting Today, Governor Matt Blunt signed into law a fundamental protection against gun confiscation during declared states of emergencies. The bill signing ceremony took place at NRA’s Opening Celebration Friday afternoon at the Americas Center in St. Louis. The Second [...]
Toronto Star Letter: Most gun owners are straight arrows
Toronto Star Letter: Most gun owners are straight arrows Date: Apr 13, 2007 12:06 PM PUBLICATION: The Toronto Star DATE: 2007.04.13 EDITION: Ont SECTION: Letter PAGE: A17 WORD COUNT: 306 ———————————————————————— ——– Most gun owners are straight arrows ———————————————————————— ——– Sneaky gun amnesty Editorial, April 12. It appears that on firearm regulations, your opinion is [...]
Beautiful French Literature on Liberty and the Right to Arms
Beautiful French Literature on Liberty and the Right to Arms The Volokh Conspiracy March 29, 2007> “Pierre Lemieux is a French-Canadian professor, libertarian, and master literary stylist. In 2001, he penned “Confessions d?un coureur des bois hors-la-loi” (Confessions of an outlaw woodsman), to protest against the growth of oppressive, intolerant, anti-gun, anti-self defense laws [...]
Do Americans have the right to own a gun?
Do Americans have the right to own a gun? Date: Apr 12, 2007 9:26 PM The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !
NJ COURT RECOGNIZES SECOND AMENDMENT, > HOLDS THAT IT TRUMPS GUN FORFEITURE LAW > > In a landmark written opinion filed February 27, a New Jersey Superior > Court recognized the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and held > that a citizen’s Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms cannot be > involuntarily waived [...]
Penn: Registry would treat gun owners like criminals…
Penn: Registry would treat gun owners like criminals… Date: Apr 11, 2007 7:03 AM Note the sponsors are all from Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. Once again, the cities lead the gun control charge. Click here: Registry would treat gun owners like criminals : The Morning Call Online Registry would treat gun owners like criminals Christian Berg [...]
FROM DON KATES — FLAWED GUN LAWS HELP STALKERS VICTIMIZE WOMEN Date: Apr 10, 2007 6:43 PM Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 1:39 PM Subject: FROM DON KATES — FLAWED GUN LAWS HELP STALKERS VICTIMIZE WOMEN A memo concerning women and guns by Don Kates follows John Lott’s and Sonya Jones’ piece. -Dan Gifford “Gun [...]
Editorial supports Parker v. DC appeal
Editorial supports Parker v. DC appeal Date: Apr 10, 2007 11:28 AM Attachments: ATT00009.txt From Gun Week: Pro-Gunners Face Dilemma In Parker v. District of Columbia by Joseph P. Tartaro, Executive Editor April 10, 2007 I have been editing Gun Week for over 25 years and had contributed to this newspaper, and several other gun [...]