Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

And this would be……..

August 20, 2000

>08/07/00 > > STATEMENT OF SARAH BRADY RE: > GORE-LIEBERMAN TICKET > > (WASHINGTON, D.C.) “The prospective choice of U.S. Senator Joseph > Lieberman (D-CT) as a running mate demonstrates Vice-President Gore’s > determination to protect Americans from unnecessary gun violence. Hmmmm question. Ms. Brady what do you call “unnecessary gun violence?” A woman who [...] posted 08-07-2000 19:12 ——————————————————————————– Am I the only cop that is pro-gun? Is my department the only one that hires guys who are pro-gun? I’m trying to find out how many cops are pro-gun and how many are anti-gun. CA Cadet unregistered posted 08-08-2000 11:09 ——————————————————————————– Not quite sure what you mean by “pro-gun”. [...]

Secret Web Behind AOL’s Anti-Gun Policy by Bob Lesmeister (Published in The New Gun Week, Aug. 20, 2000) “Hello, this is Jonathan. May I help you?” “Can I speak to someone about America Online’s policy of not allowing individuals to buy or sell guns and ammunition through its web site?” “That’s our policy.” “So, you [...]

FIREARMS COSTS, FIREARMS BENEFITS AND THE LIMITS OF KNOWLEDGE Daniel D. Polsby * America’s intensifying dismay about violent crime has become so pervasive that one may well affirm that there is something of a “national crime crisis.” Yet there is something of a puzzle as well. Overall crime rates in the United States have been [...]

Murders again tied to TV violence by Frederick Case, [Seattle] Times staff reporter [May 28, 1990] Additional disturbing evidence has been produced by a University of Washington behavioral scientist and medical doctor who said last year that TV is responsible for half of North America’s murders and rapes. If Dr. Brandon Centerwall’s conclusion is correct, [...]

A Lesson in Anti-Federalism by Alan L. Lundy Date: 8/17/2000 8:41:00 PM Written By: Alan L. Lundy A Lesson in Anti-Federalism by Alan L. Lundy Just a few short years after we gained our independence from the British, a political battle raged that would reshape the newly formed confederation of States. The battle raged [...]

A LESSON IN ANTI-FEDERALISM by Alan L. Lundy For people who know little about the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists, this is an important history lesson with present-day implications aplenty.

THE PRACTICAL IMPOSSIBILITY OF “BALLISTIC FINGERPRINTING” by John DeLallo A concise, common sense analysis of the latest pre-confiscation laws being used by gun grabbers to get guns registered.

Rosie’s Common Sense

August 18, 2000

Bill Of RIGHTS in French

August 18, 2000

—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization August 18, 2000 ALERT: The Bill of Rights in French France gave America the Statue of Liberty, a stirring symbol of human freedom. JPFO is returning the favor by bringing the statutes of liberty, our [...]

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