Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Boundary Violation: Gun Politics in the Doctor?s Office By Timothy Wheeler, MD {Appeared originally in the Medical Sentinel of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, March/April 1999, pp. 60-61} Imagine this scenario: you visit your doctor for back pain. Your doctor asks if you have firearms in your home. Then he announces that your [...]


August 12, 2000

Divvy: 315 NRA-ILA FAX ALERT Vol. 7, No. 32 MUCH TO WATCH DURING DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION Democratic Party Leaders hope that their National Convention starting next Monday in Los Angeles, will help them convince voters to give the Clinton-Gore Administration a de facto third term by electing Al Gore in November. And while millions of [...]

I’ve seen it all. We’re heading back to Salem. Countdown to Lexington & Concord II continues….,1051,SAV-0008110366,00.html ‘EXORCISM’ TARGETS EVILS OF GUN SALES By Lola Smallwood Tribune Staff Writer More than 100 anti-gun protesters held what they called an exorcism outside a Riverdale gun shop Thursday to symbolically drive the evils of gun sales out [...]

Woman shoots attacker in her home A young woman shot and killed a masked neighbor who broke into her home in the middle of the night. The neighborhood is divided on whether she should have used deadly force. One fact remains: he is dead, not her. (8/9/00) URL:

2A Project Newsletter

August 12, 2000

—–Original Message—– From: Dave Kopel [mailto:[email protected]] Second Amendment Project Newsletter, Aug. 11, 2000 The Second Amendment Project is based at the Independence Institute, a free-market think tank in Golden, Colorado. No issue next week. ==================================== Table of Contents for this issue 1. New op-eds from Dave Kopel & Ari Armstrong. 2. Rabbi Nachmanides on [...]

Dear 2nd Amendment Supporters, The Civil Liberties Defense Foundation was formed in 1999 for the purpose of providing educational information relating to the preservation of the civil liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution and to provide legal services necessary for the protection of those rights. CLDF IS CURRENTLY RAISING THE [...]

Bill Ruger

August 12, 2000

—–Original Message—– From: Harry [mailto:[email protected]] Bill Ruger wrote every member of congress asking them to outlaw the possession of ammunition feeding devices that hold more than 15 rounds. NO grand fathering, NO importation, NO sales, NO possession and NO manufacture except for police and military (granting them a sort of title of nobility). Bill even [...]

Evaluating the “43 times” fallacy by David K. Felbeck Director, Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners August 10, 2000 Those who oppose the use of firearms for self-defense have for fourteen years quoted a study by Arthur Kellermann and Donald Reay published in the June 12, 1986 issue of New England Journal of Medicine (v. [...]

I want you!

August 12, 2000

You have to read this article, go to: Despite strictlaws, handgun crimes are on the rise in Japan. IT WAS STREET THEATER for the crowd. Gunfire is rare here, and the perception that only gangsters use guns added to a surreal sense of safety among the onlookers, as though the mobsters were actors removed [...]

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