Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Firearm ban attacked

August 12, 2000

Published Friday, August 11, 2000, in the San Jose Mercury News Firearm ban attacked Gun show operators tell judges county law violates free speech BY DAVID HOLBROOK Contra Costa Times Foes of an Alameda County law banning guns on county-owned property told a federal appeals court Thursday the law violates free speech rights of people [...]

What a Great Group!

August 11, 2000

What a Great New Group! Organization to Work for Truly Responsible Gun Laws by dischord (distribution permitted and encouraged) Many people who dislike ?the gun lobby? (whatever that is) have failed to see through a bit of specious reasoning that dominates the gun control debate. ?Specious? means more than simply false; it means seemingly true [...]

Dr. Michael S. Brown August 8, 2000 An anti-gun story by J. Portner, an assistant editor at Education Week, recently appeared in the Washington Post under the title, “Loopholes Allow Guns in Schools”. The well known federal law against bringing guns within 1,000 feet of schools does not apply to police officers, citizens with a [...]

Pataki: Sentencing New Yorkers to death ? 2000 Call it a reasonable compromise, call it “statesmanship,” or call it an act of genuine heartfelt concern — but whatever its label, New York Republican Gov. George Pataki’s signature on a new “sweeping” statewide gun control measure on Thursday was little more than a death sentence [...]

We have a new disease spreading the country state by state, gun fingerprinting! The police and the government want to know more about your guns, even if it violates your rights to privacy. If we are not careful now big brother will be living in our gun safes. Story at the “cat and mouse” icon [...]

Here is a letter mailed to the Journal of AMerican Medical Assn by one of our Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws. Dr. Bennett told me I could post his comments about the JAMA article on Brady law for you guys here: To the Editor: The Brady Bill is an example of legislation along the medical [...]

posted 08-10-2000 05:48 PM ——————————————————————————– ——————————————————————————– This was just posted on– JOIN MMM FOR ONLINE CHAT TONIGHT One year after the Granada Hill shootings, the MMM’s founder and other gun control advocates will talk about how far we’ve come and where we need to go. Join in at 9 pm Eastern (6 pm Pacific) [...]

response from a cop

August 10, 2000

— In [email protected], “Nancy” <sw357mag@m…> wrote: > Blood pressure a little low today? > Click on this: > “Second Amendment poorly written, needs revisions” > > written by Chris Hansen hansenc6@p… Well I went to the site and read the piece. It didn’t really get my pressure up, but my dander is at full [...]

—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization August 10, 2000 ALERT: Al Gore’s Historic Public Relations Coup Though I’m not flattered by the attention given to things Jewish in the media of late, whether it’s the allegation that First Lady Hillary, a [...] ‘Gun camp’ targets safety NRA offers teens ‘the ultimate in introductory shooting’ By Donna Leinwand, USA TODAY RATON, N.M. ? In many ways, it’s like any other summer camp: the bugs biting, the sun blazing, the kids’ cabins a petri dish of moldy sleeping bags and dirty T-shirts. But then there are the 14-year-olds [...]

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