Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Jewish Community Families to sue
L.A. Jewish Center Rampage Families Sue Gun Makers By Jill Serjeant LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Families of the victims of an extremist’s 1999 shooting spree at a Los Angeles Jewish Center on Wednesday filed what lawyers called a groundbreaking lawsuit against gun makers — saying they should be held responsible. The suit, filed in Los [...]
‘Bounty’ Put on Illegal Gun Users
‘Bounty’ Put on Illegal Gun Users Ill. Program Offers $1,000 to Informants Aug. 8, 2000 By James Gordon Meek LISLE, Ill. ( — In a first of its kind, a state crime-fighting group has put a price on the head of any convicted felon or drug dealer with an illegal gun. A new billboard offering [...]
Thursday August 10, 2000; 10:05 AM EDT Internet, Radio Outrage Over Bush Threat Forced CBS to Come Clean While the mainstream press ignored news that the CBS television network had allowed an apparent threat to the life of presidential candidate George W. Bush to go out over its airwaves, the story percolated on the Internet [...]
Aug 9, 2000 – 10:24 PM Ill man shot dead attacking neighbor CANDACE J. SAMOLINSKI of The Tampa Tribune Robert J. Metz made it a point to know most everyone in his neighborhood, beeping his car horn whenever he drove by anyone who was outside. If somebody was building something, the 47-year-old construction worker was [...]
NRA’s LaPierre comes out firing at Second Amendment rally
NRA’s LaPierre comes out firing at Second Amendment rally NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre whipped 2,000 gun-rights supporters in Arkansas into a frenzy with sharp criticism of the White House and the media. (8/9/00) URL:
Does Gun Control Equal Crime Control? Does Gun Control Equal Crime Control? by Jeremy D. Blanks, Ph.D. When one asks a gun control supporter why they support additional gun laws they will undeniably answer that they do so to stop violence, crime, and to ?save the children.? The same thing can be said for gun control groups like Handgun Control, [...]
Texas’ Concealed Carry Law Works, Says NCPA Report
Texas’ Concealed Carry Law Works, Says NCPA Report DALLAS, Aug. 9 /PRNewswire/ — A recent report from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) shows that Texans with concealed carry permits are far less likely to commit a serious crime than the average citizen. This report counters the claims made in the Violence Policy Center’s [...]
BOR in German
—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization ALERT: Achtung! JPFO Publishes U.S. Bill of Rights in German Hey, Adolf Hitler, don’t get too dizzy spinning in your grave! Jews are bringing the U.S. Bill of Rights to Germany. That’s right, Adolf. The [...]
Junior’s got a gun. Who cares?
Junior’s got a gun. Who cares? Article relating that kids introduced to firearms by responsible adults are much less likely to use firearms in an illegal/dangerous way. FYI:
Water kills more kids than guns
Water kills more kids than guns August 8, 2000 By GORDON DILLOW The Orange County Register The California Legislature is currently debating a bill that would require handgun owners to be licensed by the state. And amid the debate over Assembly Bill 273, you can be sure there will be claims that burdening law-abiding gun [...]