Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Possession Licence?…. Here how it works in Canada.
Taken from: Coming to a State near you soon!! —– THE LAST FIREARMS ACQUISITION CERTIFICATES (FACs) Dozens of calls are being received every day at the 1-800 call centre asking for the status of an FAC application. Before calling here is some useful information and some questions that need to be asked. 1. I [...]
Woman Who Once Thought “Guns are Bad” Kills Would-be Rapist
Woman Who Once Thought “Guns are Bad” Kills Would-be Rapist Like most women in this country, I was raised to be a victim. When the existence of guns would come up in my family, I was always told that “guns are bad” and that “only bad people would want to own a gun.” I believed [...]
Shedding My Uniform
Shedding My Uniform by Sgt ***** USMC This is directed to all military personnel. I am a Sergeant in this great country’s Corps of Marines. I joined to support and defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC. As I see it our most threatening enemy is the government itself. I have noticed an [...]
Letter To State Police in Pennsylvania Regarding Illegal Registration from Congress Leaders Listed Below June 27, 2000 Captain Jeffrey B. Miller Legislative Liaison Pennsylvania State Police 1800 Elmerton Avenue Harrisburg, PA 171 1 0 Dear Captain Miller: We appreciate the response which you provided to our earlier inquiries regarding the Pennsylvania State Police practice of [...]
EX-OFFICER: POLICE WANT CONCEALED WEAPONS Former cop speaking at self-defense rally in Ohio calls Bull on local anti-self-defense socialists, saying, “The more good guys there are out there with guns, the safer everybody is, including police officers.” ======== Ex-officer: Police want concealed weapons Post staff report Former Cincinnati police Lt. Harry Thomas told a [...]
THE 2ND AMENDMENT: A HISTORICAL INTERPRETATION by Bruce Gold Well-crafted article from a Canadian which lays out historical precedence alongside common sense in an analysis of the “Liberty’s Teeth” amendment. A very good read. ——– The 2nd Amendment: A Historical Understanding by Bruce Gold The Bill of Rights, like any historical document, can only [...]
The Real Cop Killers
THE REAL COP KILLERS by Leroy Pyle The man behind the Second Amendment Police Department has a few things to say about the media and their advertising to criminals. May all police officers read this article and pass it on to their pals on the force. =========== The Real Cop Killers by Leroy Pyle [...]
Federal agents
I read this on the “Dumb criminals” page: >>>A man on a bicycle approached three well-dressed men with what appeared to be a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun. As the man demanded money, the three gentlemen–off-duty federal agents–drew their weapons and fired more than 20 shots. Along with the would-be robber, three cars, a truck, two [...]
Smith & Wesson try to bribe gun owners
Smith & Wesson are trying to sucker gun owners to come back and forgive the company for their sell outs. Bribes and brain washing are the order of the day at S&W as they infect our few pro-gun media outlets. News at the “money” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation Plus 2 new web [...]
CDC’s Hoax Health Alert
CDC?s Hoax Health Alert Agency Should Publish False Rumor Alert About Itself by dischord (distribution permitted and encouraged) Please encouraged the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) to publish a health-hoax debunker much like those it posts at about a false health risk rumor CDC IS HELPING TO SPREAD. The web site [...]