Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Should UK Police Carry Firearms? Should UK Police Carry Firearms? By Oisin Dreamtime Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 10:30:16 +0100 From: “Oisin Dreamtime” , [email protected] Subject: Re: UK Officers Shot At There are many schools of thought about whether or not the UK Police should carry firearms. I have 29 years in “The Job” and one of my first [...]
The NRA’s Call to Arms: From Sunday’s Washington Post
From Sunday’s Washington Post: The NRA’s Call to Arms By Michael Powell Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday , August 6, 2000 ; W08 In a vast and blue-lit palace of a convention center, on a high and silvery dais, a man of the gun nods at his thousands. At serried rows of war veterans in [...]
The Brady IS NOT a sensible Gun law
The Brady law is NOT a sensible gun law. Here are some ideas of what a “sensible gun law” would look like: (Note that the Brady law fails on just about EVERY criterion!) Dr. Bill Rogers Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws
The Tragedy Of Gun Free Zones
Dr. Michael S. Brown – Posted: 08.07.00 An anti-gun story by J. Portner, an assistant editor at Education Week, recently appeared in the Washington Post under the title, “Loopholes Allow Guns in Schools”. The well known federal law against bringing guns within 1,000 feet of schools does not apply to police officers, citizens with a [...]
Gun Buy Backs Misfire ………..snip………… Do buybacks reduce crime? The Police Executive Research Forum, a Washington-based group of big-city police chiefs, evaluated buybacks in Boston, Seattle, St. Louis and other major cities and found they had no effect. In Seattle, researchers checked coroner?s records and hospital admissions data for six months following a buyback and said it hadn?t [...]
Civil Disobedience in Canada Wed 08/02/00 CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN CANADA On guns, it’s not an oxymoron. By Dave Kopel, director, and Dr. Paul Gallant & Dr. Joanne Eisen, research associates, the Independence Institute ONE DOESN’T EXPECT to hear the words “civil disobedience” and “Canada” in the same sentence. It seems as unlikely as hearing “the French people” juxtaposed [...]
WWW Gun Defense Clock
Date sent: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 13:07:09 -0700 From: “J. Neil Schulman” <[email protected]> Subject: Now a full website: The World Wide Web Gun Defense Clock Hi. Since 1996, when I first posted it as a single page, the World Wide Web Gun Defense Clock has become one of the most popular firearms- related pages on [...]
For you Folks in CO…..
—–Original Message—– From: Bernie Herpin HOT FLASH! The Honorable Neal Turner, former member and Speaker of the House of the Queensland, Australia parliament, will be speaking at the Thursday, August 10th, Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition meeting on what has happened to gun rights in Australia. He was opposed to the taking of firearms from the [...]
Walter Williams Quote
The framers gave us the Second Amendment not so we could go deer or duck hunting but to give us a modicum of protection against congressional tyranny. – Walter Williams
For The G.O.P. President – George W. Bush “B” V.P. – Dick Cheney “A” For The Democrats President – Al Gore “F” V.P. – Joseph Lieberman “F”