Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

SAS’s side of the story

August 2, 2000

Second Amendment Sisters, Inc. BILL OF RIGHTS RALLY & FLAGSHIP 400,000 DISPLAY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania July 29 & 30, 2000 After action report- By Maria Heil We received our permit just two weeks prior to our event. It took longer than usual to obtain the permit, but considering that we were given the East Terrace [...]

August 1 NEAL KNOX SPECIAL REPORT — NRA members’ strong voices are clearly heard in the halls of Congress, but not headquarters. Or so I’m told in countless letters and phone calls from members angry or irritated about excessive fundraising letters, legislative positions, improperly graded political candidates, instructor certification problems, undelivered hats and a string [...]

Justices Put Burden on Gun Owners Ruling: Defendants can be convicted if they ‘reasonably should have known’ their assault weapons are illegal. By MAURA DOLAN, Times Legal Affairs Writer SAN FRANCISCO–Owners of illegal assault weapons can be sent to state prison even if they did not know their guns had been banned, the California Supreme [...]

In a finding that casts doubt on one of the pillars of the gun control movement, a new study published today concludes that the Brady law had no effect on firearm homicide and suicide rates in states that previously had no handgun controls. Gun control advocates criticized the study, but also said it reaffirmed the [...]

News from JPFO

August 2, 2000

—–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization Date: August 1, 2000 RABBI MERMELSTEIN TO APPEAR ON CHUCK MORSE RADIO SHOW Contrary from what we’ve come to see from the media, there are still people in radio that understand the Constitution and the [...]

Aug 1, 2000 Taken from: – – – – – – – – – – – – - CHICAGO (Reuters) – The 1994 Brady law, which required handgun sellers to make background checks and institute waiting periods for buyers, has had little impact on U.S. homicide and suicide rates, researchers said on Tuesday. However, [...]


August 1, 2000

Austria, Canada, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Sweden have signed a letter of intent to provide 6,000 men each to the United Nations. Danish troops are now assigned, as of January, 2000. If all are implemented, the One World Army will grow to 42,000 soldiers, ready to deploy at the call of the UN, [...]

Denver Post August 1, 2000 Million Mom March to gather in Denver By Mike Soraghan Denver Post Washington Bureau Aug. 1, 2000 – The Million Mom March is coming to Denver next month for its first national conference, making the Columbine High School massacre the backdrop as the gun-control group hones its political message for [...]


August 1, 2000 Check this out.

Here’s a link to a candidate who has an answer for everything! Check out its policies and positions at the link below. A brief description of the candidate: <Cthulhu is the high priest of the Great Old Ones, unnatural alien beings who ruled the Earth before humanity formed, worshipped as gods by some misguided people. [...]

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