Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category Limited Conceal Carry Now Legal in Illinois Edited for Publication By Sierra Times – Posted: 08.01.00 “A consequence of Governor Ryan’s Safe Neighborhoods Act is to redefine the transportation of handguns in such a way as to allow de facto concealed carry by law-abiding Illinois citizens,” announced Concealed Carry, Inc. President John Birch in [...]

Editorial in 01Aug2000 WSJ Gun Control: Strictly Symbolism By JOHN R. Lott JR. Who could possibly oppose laws against “plastic” guns or “cop-killer” bullets? Dick Cheney, for one. According to the Gore campaign, only someone “far outside the mainstream” could vote “no.” Yet, despite broad support from both the National Rifle Association and gun-control groups, [...]

C’mon Rosie By: Karl F. Auerbach Posted: 06.06.00 Karl’s Home Page You’re making it too easy. I really prefer a challenge. I hate it when you and the other statists do your regular thing and spout out nonsense without someone proofing it first. What happens is idiocy that the whole world can instantly spot. It [...] 801.frame Gun measure has broader impact Tuesday, August 1, 2000 ——————————————————————————– The article “Gun initiative makes ballot,” with the subheadline, “The measure, which would require all buyers at gun shows to undergo background checks . . . ” (July 26), is misleading because it tricks the reader into believing that the measure applies only [...]

Anti-Gun-Nuts-Of-The-Month: The Episcopal Church by Larry Pratt Considering the fact that the Episcopal Church in America has lost hundreds of thousands of members during the past two decades, you’d think that these folks would be doing everything possible to protect and preserve this endangered species of Christians. Thus, specifically, you would think that, maybe, this [...] Anyone remember the Revolt in Cincinnati? Would you prefer that members had a voice in NRA policy? Do you just wish that the NRA would LISTEN, occasionally? You can do something to put a spine in our 800 lb gorilla! There are two Bylaws and a cover letter that Bill Davis and Neal Knox [...] Study: Brady Act cut some suicides, but impact on murder in doubt Associated Press August 1, 2000 CHICAGO – A new study finds that murder and suicide rates did not drop any faster in states that had to toughen their laws to comply with the 1994 Brady Act to regulate handguns. The study also [...]

You Ain?t Got No Rights By Karl F. Auerbach – 08.01.00 Karl’s Home Page Unless, of course, they come to you from society. At least, that?s what Luis Tolley, the western director for Handgun Control Inc., seems to think. Tolley has stated “Any society lives as a process of responsibilities to the greater society, and [...]

Two proposed amendments to NRA’s Bylaws may be reviewed at and petitions downloaded. The first Bylaw Amendment would rearrange the NRA Board of Directors so that 50 directors would be elected for one-year terms from each state, 24 would be elected for staggered two-year terms nationally, and the 76th would be elected by members [...] highlight, memorize, underline, copy… -Jason

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