Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Jews and guns By Charles A. Morse web posted July 31, 2000 A typical example of a Liberal-Left, American Jewish attitude toward Second Amendment rights was expressed by Rabbi Samuel Chiel of Newton, Mass., in an editorial in Boston’s Jewish Advocate (8/99) entitled “Looking for a Few Good Resorts.” Front Sight, near Las Vegas, is [...]

Gun buybacks or kickbacks? The article, “Clinton Continues Gun Buyback Plan,” that you referenced yesterday mentions that so far the program has paid out $3.5 million, to “buy back” more than 17,000 guns. According to my calculator, that’s about $205 per gun. Yet Housing and Urban Development suggests paying only $50 per gun, and encourages [...]

Ted Nugent Threatened with Death, Cops Say Anti-Fur Activist Charged with Terrorizing Rock Star July 31, 2000 By Richard Zitrin SAN FRANCISCO ( – An anti-fur protester was charged with threatening to kill rock ‘n’ roll star Ted Nugent, an outspoken hunting and gun advocate, before Nugent performed at a weekend concert, police said today. [...]

This afternoon….

August 1, 2000

This afternoon the wife is working, the kids are out doing things and it’s rainy. No motorcycle today. I think I’ll go to the indoor pistol range and put about 200 rounds through my new Springfield .45 auto. Isn’t it great that I can do that and the Million Moron Marchers can’t stop me? That’s [...]

Million Mom Marchers ransack pro-gun display Second Amendment Sisters’ materials stolen, dumped in garbage can ——————————————————————————– By Roger Abramson ? 2000 PHILADELPHIA — As the pro-gun rights Second Amendment Sisters were in the process of setting up their display in front of Independence Hall, a contingent of “Million Mom Marchers” came through and ransacked [...]

A Corpse Rises

August 1, 2000

A Corpse Rises VPC Refurbishes An Old Discredited Factoid by dischord (distribution permitted and encouraged) Where?s Buffy when you need her? According to our concerned friends at Violence Policy Center, ?A gun is far more likely to be used in a suicide, murder, or unintentional shooting than to kill a criminal. Using federal government figures, [...]

one sad and one funny

July 31, 2000

Sad One: Funny One: -Jason

Date: 7/26/2000 10:34:00 PM Written By: “Plastic” Guns and “Cop Killer” Bullets forwarded to KABA without attribution “Armor Piercing Ammunition” In April 1997, the often-mischaracterized issue of “armor piercing ammunition” finally was laid to rest by research conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). The study was done following Clinton-Gore Administration calls [...]

They’re attacking our ex-governor George Allen, who is running for the senate against incumbent Chuck Robb-Democrat. Any good info on where HCI gets its funding (any info on links to govt or DNC would be very useful – its time to start the “letters to the editor” thing). Check it out: bleck!

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