Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
The latest Zogby poll
The latest Zogby poll of likely independent voters gives independents’ position on several issues, including one near and dear to our hearts: gun control. Note especially the opinion on the Second Amendment as an individual right. According to the Zogby poll: “Guns: Likely Independent voters overwhelmingly (69%-25.1%) said they would support a candidate who wants [...]
Cheney’s Cop-Killer Rap
Cheney’s Cop-Killer Rap If you can’t handle the truth, be very afraid of W.’s running mate. By Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute hy was Dick Cheney one of 21 representatives to vote against a ban on so-called ?cop-killer bullets?? Al Gore’s surrogates would have you believe that Cheney supports the murder of police officers. [...]
Publicly Pro Gun Cops
If anyone would like to meet or talk to vocal pro-gun cops in the pursuit of saving the 2nd along with the whole BOR, you might visit The Second Amendment Police Department (in CyberSpace) To Protect & Serve the Individual Rights of All Citizens! This site has links to the elist KABACOPS where they’re [...]
RESPONSE TO LIBERAL RE: REGISTRATION “How committed are YOU?” by Robert H. Anderson, Jr. ================= How Committed are YOU?? In a message dated 7/30/00 10:23:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, RHA42A writes to the Editor of The Seattle Post-Intelligencer: To Whom It May Concern, Lauren Grote (Letters 7-29-00) believes, as many people do, that licensing [...]
GUNSHOT VICTIM WAS ACTUALLY ATTEMPTING ROBBERY Two more of HCI/Clinton’s “children” attempting to relieve someone of his car. One gets plugged. Poor child. ======================== Gunshot victim was actually attempting robbery FAYETTEVILLE, July 26 ? Sheriff Earl Butler of Cumberland County announced today that a young man who was originally thought to be the victim [...]
Weighing the Risks by Robert Waters (fair use)
Date: 7/30/2000 4:31:00 PM Weighing the Risks by Robert Waters I ain’t making this stuff up, folks! The gun-banners’ arguments against armed self-defense are so weak as to be caricatures of lunacy. Three examples will suffice. After Sandra Suter, a Florida permit holder, used her handgun to stop a knife-wielding assailant at a local Walmart, [...]
England, I Told You So by Larry Pratt (fair use)
England, I Told You So by Larry Pratt Executive Director, Gun Owners of America The British Home Office, in its “Practical Guide To Crime Prevention,” offers what are referred to — presumably with a straight face — as some “sensible precautions.” Regarding how to stay safe at home, it is said: “If you wake to [...]
July 30, 2000 6:45 PM Subject: 2ndAmScholars Hi! Ready for some good news? Today’s New York Times contains a quarter-page ad from Acadmics for the Second Amendment, with a pro-individual rights message endorsed by more than 80 professors of history, law and government from major U.S, colleges and universities. The headline reads, “Is the Second [...]
Second Amendment defense horizons
Second Amendment defense horizons Philip Gold Everything has already been said. Debate consists mostly of preformatted conclusions, manipulated statistics, and hyperventilated rhetoric. Everybody knows their lines. Nothing, least of all minds, ever changes. Still, from time to time, it is possible to reframe an issue or two, and perhaps thereby do some good. Today’s [...]
Dick Cheny on “Meet The Press”
For those of you who may have missed NBC’s Meet The Press today, following is an exchange between the show’s host and Dick Cheny on gun related matters. MR. RUSSERT: Two votes that really did create a lot of interest, particularly amongst police organizations, were your votes on gun control. The first was a ban [...]