Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Need assistance

July 26, 2000

Our local Libertarian Party, in the northwestern section of Virginia, will be sponsoring a shooting seminar targeted towards women IF I can organize the thing and bring it in at a reasonable cost. I know many of you have already done this sort of thing, so I’d like to pick some brains on what brings [...]

Check out some interesting stats in Australia before and after the gun buyback in 1996. Main Page – Crime Stats – Main page of stats – If you all come across anything particularly interesting let us know!

RUSSIAN ROULETTE WITH COPS’ LIVES Politicizing the safety of our police officers. —————————————— Michael F. Cannon is a domestic policy analyst at the Senate Republican Policy Committee. These views are not necessarily those of the Committee. —————————————— THE CAMPAIGN to destroy Americans’ right to self-defense has taken some interesting turns recently. But an amendment [...]

RUSSIAN ROULETTE WITH COPS’ LIVES Politicizing the safety of our police officers. —————————————— Michael F. Cannon is a domestic policy analyst at the Senate Republican Policy Committee. These views are not necessarily those of the Committee. —————————————— THE CAMPAIGN to destroy Americans’ right to self-defense has taken some interesting turns recently. But an amendment [...]

Concealed-gun law hasn’t triggered violence Crime rate among licensed carriers has been very low By ANDREW WOLFSON The Courier-Journal Also ? Concealed-carry law Despite the fears of opponents, who branded it the “gunslinger bill,” the law enacted in 1996 allowing Kentuckians to carry concealed handguns hasn’t triggered wholesale violence or shootouts in the streets. Figures [...]

Fill ‘Er Up

July 26, 2000

Fill ?Er Up? Are Laws Consumable Resources? by dischord, distribution permitted and encouraged You probably are aware that 1998 CDC gun data are out: Gun deaths continue to drop. In fact, from 1993 to 1998, gun deaths declined by more than a third in nearly all categories. For example, for 0-14 year olds, they spiked [...]

…although you already know that. Is this one old news for you? This AB 273 sounds pretty repulsive. I only read the first part – I ignored the MMM’s instructions on how to support the legislation. THought you might want to do the opposite, unless you’re already on it. Here’s the text as found on [...] 2000 Democratic National Convention Platform Hearing Testimony by Mary Leigh Blek, President, Million Mom March July 6, 2000 Yesterday marked the anniversary of the day we buried our twenty-one year old son, Matthew Blek. Six years ago, three fifteen-year-olds attempted to rob Matt wielding a Saturday Night Special handgun-the same type of handgun used [...]

Million Mom Update

July 25, 2000

Here’s the latest installment from Mary Liegh (BLECH!) (She’s dropped that hyphen from her signature. Hmm….). Again, don’t read this on a full stomach. BTW-Each paragraph on the site is now separated with iddy-biddy lavender hearts. REVOLTING. Here’s the offensive update: Hello Mothers and Others, It?s the 14th of July, and I wish a huge [...]

Date: 7/16/2000 Written By: Paul Williams Husband’s View of this Self-defense Issue Two hundred years of freedoms is at risk. My family’s ability to defend self is at risk. The businessman who lives in Urban America By Paul Williams – Suburbs of Chicago Businessmen, town committee member, family–wife and daughter Sometime in the first half [...]

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