Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
During his six terms as a Republican Congressman from Wyoming, Dick Cheny was solidly pro-gun. Maybe it’s because he was representing Wyoming, or perhaps he really believes that ordinary people have the right to keep and bear arms. It’s a sure bet that whomever Al Gore picks as a running mate (or who would consent [...]
Washington State Rally is happening
Ok, for those who are interested, here’s the info on the Washington State WAGC Rally: It will take place on Saturday, August 26, 2000 at Sylvester Park in Olympia, Washington. It is an all-day event. I plan to start setting up at about 8am and the speakers will start at about 11am and run throughout [...]
Womenshunting website
I thought some of you may find this website of interest- ========= Hi, everyone! I’m sending this e-mail personally to let you know about my new site, Women’s Hunting Online ( This new site is part of the impressive network of sports-related sites, making one of the top five sports internet destinations in [...]
Anne Peyton Bryant was one of the women who was sexually assaulted in Central Park on June 11, 2000 in the aftermath of the Puerto Rican Day parade. Following is a short piece which she wrote for the July 23 issue of The Washington Post. If, as Ms. Peyton claims, she is really ready and [...]
Complaint filed w/FTC against SLAMTHENRA.COM…(repost)
My husband passed this along to me. I thought I’d share it. Levinson’s filed a formal complaint against these guys with the Federal Trade Commission, PA State Attorney General’s office, and with the Better Business Bureau. I thought maybe others would like to maybe file some complaints too. And you never know, if there are [...]
I’m answering a post from some time back. I missed it when it was new…my apologies. >>>DAVE! Are YOU suggesting that the FBI & the BATF, guardians of safety and security that we all know them to be, could pose even a remote danger to the American Public?<<< Don’t misunderstand me! I do not buy [...]
What does the 2nd. Amendment REALLY mean? (fair use)
What does the 2nd. Amendment REALLY mean? Handgun Control, Inc., Sarah Brady, Charles Schumer, Carolyn McCarthy, The US Center for Disease Control, Bubba Clinton and his misled allies in the Fraternal Order of Police would have you believe the 2nd Amendment is no longer “valid” in modern times. They further distort the truth and [...]
Armed and Dangerous by Massad Ayoob (fair use) Armed and Dangerous By Massad Ayoob I didn?t come up with the term ?Armed and Female.? Paxton Quigley did. She?s a neat lady. I know her, trained her, taught with her, and have the privilege of recommending her book to people, because it?s an absolute manifesto for women who take control of their surroundings. [...]
Charlton Heston: The President’s Column
Charlton Heston: The President’s Column Source: American Rifleman/NRA Published: July and August 2000– Volume 148, NO.7 & 8 (115th year of Publication) Author: Charlton Heston AUGUST 2000: What’s in store for your guns and your rights if Al Gore and his anti-gun allies win in November’s elections? For a glimpse, just look at the deceit, [...]
Vulnerability of a Disarmed Citizenry
Vulnerability of a Disarmed Citizenry The following is a letter I posted on another cop bulletin board in reply to a posting from a New Zealand cop Dear Lindsay: I enjoyed reading your post. You made some good points that we should never forget, such as the time it took for us to correct legislated [...]