Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Guinness Book of World Records Prints Lies About Date: 7/21/2000 4:30:00 AM Written By: Guinness Book of World Records Prints Lies About Guns by Sam Wright “The world’s most popular reference book”, Millennium Edition reads on page 318: “Most fatal shootings: There are currently more than 200 million guns in the US, where one in [...]

Las Vegas homeowner shoots intruder to death Wednesday, July 19, 2000 Copyright ? Las Vegas Review-Journal A 60-year-old man guns down a burglary suspect, and authorities say he appears to be justified. By Glenn Puit Review-Journal A gunbattle in a Las Vegas home early Tuesday left an intruder dead and the 60-year-old homeowner shaken [...]

Well, I just caught the noon news on ABC – they’ve released the findings on the Waco investigation. They say that the government did NOT start the fire, did NOT shoot into the compound, did NOT misuse the military, and did not participate in a conspiracy. Yeah, we can trust them to investigate themselves, right? [...]

They’re cheap. Easily concealable. And can be purchased without a waiting period or background check. With the “proliferation” of home video cameras cops have to be a lot more careful about beating people to a bloody pulp. Cops in Philly and L.A. will have to be more restrained as thousands of leftist demonstrators protest the [...]

After my visit to Howard Fezell’s website, I decided to cruise some Black Conservative websites. They have a WEALTH of data useful to RKBA. Thank you, HOWARD! Anyway, this bit on the DOJ is one I found very unsettling. BTW- Wasn’t the Dept of Justice mentioned as one of the sources for Howard’s “Blacks commit [...]

Example on how a recent suit has brought about, at least some temporary right-to-carry rights to law-abiding citizens. Maybe you would like to do the same. News at the “cat & mouse” icon at: National CCW Reciprocity Foundation Trouble viewing? Disable java support on your web browser and make your fonts smaller.

Just watched the news: Tempe, AZ- Officer Scott Tipton was shot down by a man who was reported to have been following a woman. The woman called police, and Officer Tipton approached the man in question. Alarmed, the man pulled a handgun and fired on the officer, who returned fire. The gunfight went on long [...]

Treasonous and Unconstitutional Legislation Treasonous and unconstitutional legislation by our elected officials has placed millions of men, women and children in jeopardy! By Sergei Borglum Hoff former law enforcement officer Questions regarding the right of self-defense were resolved at the time the Second Amendment, principal defender of our Bill of Rights, was ratified on December [...]

Criminals and Crime

July 20, 2000

Criminals and Crime by Clyde H. Spencer Copyright 2000 There are fundamentally two kinds of people in the world: those who respect the life and property of others and those who do not. Laws to control the behavior of the former are unnecessary. Laws to prohibit the possession of certain items by the latter are [...]

Date: 7/19/2000 11:09:00 PM Written By: Dr. Jeremy D. Blanks Freedom and Self-Defense Insurance Jeremy D. Blanks, Ph.D. [email protected] Currently, there are many debates over the basic civil right to own a firearm. Unfortunately, very few of these debates are centered on factual information, but rather they are based on emotion and what can only [...]

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